Chapter 15: Guitar Cry

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I march up to my friend Bianca's house. She's always home because she has a rare skin condition. Well, because of it she can't go out into the sun. If she does go outside she uses a fancy umbrella and super dark sunglasses.

I knock on the door and she quickly opens the tiny window made just for eyes.

"Password." Bianca says with her heavy Russian accent.

"KGB." I reply.

I hear her fiddle with several locks until the door finally opens. She gestures for me to come in and I strut my stuff. I pick up a glass of pink lemonade off of the tray that her servant is holding out for me.

"What can I help you with?" She asks taking a seat.

"Well, I found this book with guitar chords and I thought maybe you could play them." I say.

She takes the notebook from me and my eyes wander around her marvelous home. I look around the foyer. Most people have deer heads mounted to the wall whereas Bianca has full taxidermised deer all around the room.

"Yes I can play these for you." She says scanning the notebook. "Only one condition."

"Name it. Anything!" I say sounding way to desperate.

"You treat me to a Broadway show of my choice." She says.

"Sure thats sounds amazing!" I squeal.

"No no. You buy ticket. I go to show. Eh?" She says

"I understand." I say defeated. "So what show?"

"It is a very special show. Near and dear to my heart." She rambles about how important and amazing this show is for a good twenty minutes.

"Look! I've gotta go so could you just tell me what show." I say being as polite as I can while still making a point.

"Ah! Oh, yes! The show is Matilda!" She says. Bianca seems so happy, like a kid on Christmas morning.

"K." I respond. She claps and then gives her servant a look and he swiftly scrambles for her guitar.

When he retrieves it she waves her hand to shoo him out of the room. I grab my phone out of my pocket and start the audio recording. Bianca's fingers glide along the strings and she effortlessly creates the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard. When she stops I have to wipe away a tear. Pull yourself together Mel.

I thank her and grab the notebook back as she calls in her servant. It's about three o'clock so it's time for their daily conga line of two people. It's kind of sad, but Bianca seems to enjoy it.

"I'm leading you bumbling idiot!" She screams from inside the house

Guess not.

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