Our run was great. It's bittersweet without Greg. I'm really glad that I have my new theatre friends now to help me out. Now I don't only sit in class, alone dreaming of him. I actually go out for lunch somedays, obviously only to McDonald's though. I think about him a little less every day, but I still think about him a lot. I'll pass his old locker and get the feels. See those tiny fancy umbrellas that are sometimes placed in drinks and remember how he would ramble about towel boys in a British accent when he received a drink with one in it.
My moments of fame have come to an end and I'm back to being your average girl next door. Actually I'm kind of below average and I didn't really change. So I'm still the same regular below average girl. Yeah. My mom has sent me on a quest to fetch some food from the grocery story. She claims that she has to do "chores" around the house. By "chores" she means watch the Housewives of Atlanta, but saying chores lightens the mood. Meanwhile since I can not legally drive and was never taught how to ride a bike I have to walk. Seven miles. In the rain.
I get to the grocery story and it looks like I'm not the only one with the idea to go grocery shopping today. Just my luck. The store is packed and the floor is soaked. I need a row boat just to get to the carts. Maybe not a row boat maybe like one of those water tricycle things. What about a canoe, or is that bigger than a row boat? I would ask Siri, but I'm too tired.
I go down the chip aisle because, well food is life and chips are life. I wheel my cart from one end of the aisle to the other and as I do I see this really cute blonde boy walking towards me. Not purposefully walking towards me cause ya know why would I get any cute boys attention. He just happens to be wheeling his cart in the opposite direction of me which is straight towards me. So are we walking together or separately but with each other. What? As I argue with myself in my head I break from my blank staring. He then notices me and with a smile he nods. I know him from somewhere, but where? Maybe the gym? Nah I don't go to the gym. School? Nah I would notice a fish out of water in our small duck pond. When it hits me it hits me like a ton of bricks. I'm stunned, I'm confused, even more so than usual. My eyes follow him, dumbfound, as he walks away.
I speed up my cart and go to follow him. In my head I even hear some badass ninja music. The kind that plays when there are those invisible lasers that the really flexible spy has to maneuver their way through without ticking anyone off. He turns into the next aisle and I am now hunting for this boy in Stop n Shop. It's on like Donkey Kong. Ready or not Sean here I come.