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i like to make vic say kellins name alot. dont judge.


He tells me his name like I didn't already hear the teacher say it. Wait is he being nice to me? Wasn't he yelling at me earlier and now he just shifts moods. I just look at him again say nothing.

"You know when someone says their name they want to know the other persons in return" he says to me and I just nod.

"Kellin" I whisper

"What?" He says staring at me furrowing his eyebrows.

"I said my names Kellin" I say a little louder. I don't want to repeat it again for him this time because for sure he had to hear that. Should I really be telling him my name? This is one step into my past that he's at.

"Well, Kellin are you new here?" I nod

"Wow, I've been here my whole life and I just want to leave." He was about to say something else but someone slams open the doors and starts yelling.

"Vic! What the fuck man? What are you doing hanging here with this wimp?" The guy says and grabs him by the collar.

"I-I was trying to get money off him" he says. Was that he was really trying to do? How could I have been so stupid. No ones mood goes like his.

"We need to go now. The guys need some help. Get off your ass now! I don't care if you get in trouble for this leaving we're going now" The guy yells. He basically drags Vic out of his chair. Vic looks back at me with a sympathetic look.

"But I wasn't done, ouch shit what the hell man" He says while being dragged out of the room. What was that about. Was that the guy he was on the phone with? Why should I care like he said, he just wanted to get money out of me. Like I have any.

Ten minutes later the teacher returns. Probably a million questions flood over his face. He looks at me then the chair that Vic was sitting then back at me then the chair. "Where did he go?" I just shrug. That's the truth, I actually don't know where he went. "Alright well thanks Mr. Quinn for staying. You can go home now" I get up and pack my stuff and leave.

My house isn't really in the best part of town. There's trash everywhere and people living on the sidewalk and the scent of sewer filling the air. Once I get past that area I'm near a cleaner part just not a safer part of town. This is where my small broken house is. And my moms car is in the driveway, great.

I open the door to the house and see my mom sitting on the couch facing me with a angry look on her face. "So I got a call from the school saying you got detention on your first day" She gets up and walks over to me. One big slap hits my face and her fake nails dig into my skin. "Such a disappointment. I'm not going to give you food tonight so you can go feed on your tears in your room." She punches me in the stomach making me fall. Then she kicks me in the side sending jolts of pain trough me. "Get upstairs you piece of shit" I get up and try to avoid contact with her and walk up the stairs trying not to fall.

I lay down on my bed and start to cry. Why does everything have to be this way. My father left me don't you think that's already bad enough? Now my mom abuses me. And I got this curse thing going on. I hear my moms car leave the house. Well at least she's gone for now.

I should probably go check out what she did to me this time. I get up and go into the bathroom and look into the mirror. Three streaks of blood stretch across my face and a bruise on my jaw. I go to open the drawers and grab the make up I use to cover these up. I put it over the bruise and it works well on that one and then I go over the three lines and try to cover it but it only works half way. I can still see them a little bit. It's always like that.

Muffled yells come from the window in my room. I go out to look out the window to see Vic being dragged by two people into the house next to me. He moves his head up. I don't know if he can see me, but I definitely can see him. 

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