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They tie Kellin up and bring out all types of weapons to use on him. Whips, bats, knifes anything they can to torture him but not kill him. They just want him to suffer so much he dies from it.

He dangles from one of the beams in the basement, his feet a foot off the ground. He's being held up by his wrists again, they are red all around. His head hangs low and he's been crying since he got hung up there. I'm still on the ground tied by my wrists too, but they tightened them just in case. I want to fucking kill them. If anyone lays a single finger on him I'm going to fucking bash their skulls in, I don't even care if it is my brother.

"Alright, boys lets see how strong this boy is," Jamie says as he takes out the whip.

"Please don't touch him!" I yell. Jamie and the other crane their necks around to look at me.

"Shut the fuck up." My brother Mike says and they all both turn around.

They grab the bottom of Kellin's shirt and he starts to whimper. They take the knife and split his shirt down the middle and pull it off his body. I can see faded and new bruises scattered around his chest and white marks around his stomach.

"Well well well, someone already beat the shit outta him. This won't feel any different." Jamie says and grabs the whip and hits Kellin in the back. A loud splash goes through the air them followed by Kellin's scream.

"WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING THIS TO HIM!" I cry, honestly, right now I think I'm crying more for Kellin than I've ever cried before going anyone.

Another hit to kellin's back and he lifts his head to look at me. His blue eyes dripping with water and his hair swaying in front of his face. He mouths 'I Love You' to me. I say it back.

I'd do anything to switch positions with him right now. He has to go through this so much, I've never felt his pain. He finally said that he likes me back. I want those to be the last things that he hears if he dies.

"Ey boss," one of the other boys says to Jamie. Boss? There was never a boss when I was in the gang, and it sure wouldn't be Jamie.

"What, this better be good." The boy whispers something into his ear and Jamie's face goes wide with a mischievous grin. He gives the boy a thumbs up.

"Vic, to make this easier on Kellin over here. Easier, that's funny I meant worse. We're going to have you hurt him." What? No? Kill me right now, I'm not going to do that. I can't, it wouldn't be right I couldn't do it myself to Kellin.

"You have no choice so yeah. Let's go." He walks over to me and unchains my wrists as people grab guns and walk over to the exit door. I can't run. He shoves a bat in my hand and says 'go at him like he's a piñata. Or we kill you and make him watch. I look at Kellin and he just nods. Shit.

I walk up to him and place and fast hard kiss on his lips and then go away at him. I hit him on the side with a big strike. His scream pierces my heart every time. Tears are dripping on the concrete ground from both of us. I hit him again this time on the back but I go a little lighter on him. I trace my fingers over where his bruises are on his chest and he cries even more. I look up at his wrists that are now purple, they look like they're about to fall off.

Jamie notices me going so and makes my brother take the bat from me and he beats kellin. He doesn't hesitate, he just keeps hitting him. I scream, and kellin screams because were terrified. His voice breaks me. I want to strangle my brother right now so bad, but I would get shot. And I can let kellin watch me die.

A loud sound vibrates the room from where the door is. "THIS IS THE POLICE OPEN UP OR WE'RE COMING IN!!" Mike slams the bat down on kellin harder and he starts to bleed.

"V-Vic" He chokes out and I rush up to him.

The cops break down the door and they look like SWAT guys. The guys hurting kellin shoot at them, assholes. The cops shoot right back at them in the legs. As I stand here with my arms around kellin and my lips to his chest. "Kellin, hang in there, please. The cops are here, they're going to help. I won't leave your side." I say and he cried more. His delicate cry makes me sink, this is all my fault.

The cops rush in and it seems like everything goes in slow motion. They arrest the other guys first, they spew out bad words to us but I cover killings ears. Then the cops come over to us, they take a while but they get kellin's wrists out of the rope. He rubs them trying to get the color back. I wrap my arm around him for now as he trembles.

"Hello, My Name Is Officer Andy, I know that you two were victims of this crime, we would like to question you but first we need to help you to get better. There's an ambulance up on the street for you."

"Okay," I nod to him and head up the stairs carrying kellin in my arms. "They're going to fix you up, good as new kitten," I say to him and he smiles.

"I don't wanna live here anymore, I want to leave this place. Too many bad memories are here for me." He says, his voice is a little dry but I can still hear him.

I don't want to stay here either. I don't want to be here if those guys go to jail and are let out. I don't want to be here even if they don't go to jail. I don't even want to see my brother. I want to take kellin far, far away from here.

"Kitten, I'll take you where ever you want," I say kissing his forehead.

We get to the ambulance and I give them Kellin. They put him on a stretcher and ask for me to come in the car with them.

"I just forgot one thing, I'll be back really quick." I rush back into the house and grab a notepad, this is for my mom.

Mom, you'll probably find out what happened with word traveling around town, or just the news. But I'm taking Kellin far away from here with me. I have money to support both of us. I'll find someway to talk to you. But for now, stay safe mom.

- Vic

I go into my room and grab the money that I've made from dealing, I also run into mikes room and grab his. I take a good look at this house to remember it. There were some good times here, now they're just all bad. I hop in the back of the ambulance and look at kellin. His eyes keep closing and opening from him being tired. I grab his hand and intertwine my fingers with his.

"Sleep till we get there kell." He smiles then closes his eyes.


woooo! i wrote this listening to beartooth, becuase for someone reason im more productive when i listen to them.

remember to like, comment and share if you guys are into that if not its ok.


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