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one more chapter up today because i want to 


I walk to school again today. I'll probably be doing it for the rest of my time going to this school. My mother didn't come home after she left last night. She probably got drunk at a bar and went home with some random guy to sleep on his couch. I tried covering up my face again today with make up but the wounds got worse. Hopefully no one will care enough to notice.

I put in my earbuds again and walk closer to the school. Green Day fills my ears. I breathe in the iced air outside. I guess tomorrow is supposed to be first snowfall around here. Some white snow would be nice around here.

Some one yanks out my ear buds, once again from behind me. They walk up to stand right in front of me. Vic. I look up to him with a expressionless look. He keeps studying my face. Hopefully he doesn't notice my make up job. "Hey Kellin. Uh I'm sorry about yesterday. I was supposed to be somewhere with someone and they don't like people being late." I just stare at him. I start walking and push past him and keep walking. He catches up to me and stops me again.

"You want my money right? Just like you said. Well I don't have any so you can go try to get it off someone else. Just leave me alone." I say to him.

"Ugh. About that, the people I hang out with well they don't like it when we're with I don't know how to explain it. You get what I mean though?" He says and I nod. What is he involved with that's making him do this? I don't really know if I should trust this guy. I did see him being dragged by two people into a house. That right there was suspicious.

"Give me your phone," he says. What? He just wants me to give him my phone. I already told him I don't have any money. If that's still what he wants.

"I told you I don't-" I say but he cuts me off.

"I'm not asking for that. I never was. Can't I just have get your phone so I can text you gosh." Oh that's why. I clear off the stuff in my phone and hand it over to him. He types in his number and texts himself from my phone sending a buzz through the air. He hold his phone up and says "see" and gives me back mine.

"So Kellin, mind if I walk next to you to school. It's just around the corner." I nod. For the rest of the way neither of us say a word to each other. I can see Vic out of the corner of my eye looking at me every so often. I smile a little bit at the thought of it.

We get to the school and go to class. I guess Vic's in a different first class then me. I thought, but then 15 minutes after class started he walks in with some other guys. They all sit at the other end of the room. The teacher scorns at them. We were in the middle of reading the novel, Of Mice and Men, and the teacher picked a boy named Oli, I think, and made him read aloud. This boy has lisp and Vic's friends keeps laughing at him every time he sounds weird. That's cruel.

---(skip to lunch time)---

I stand in line for the food in the cafeteria. I can see the guys Vic was hanging out with in front of me. My phone goes off in my pocket and I check out who it was.

Vic: hey

I don't answer him back. Instead I just put my phone back in my pocket. I look up to see the guys in front of me staring directly at me making me feel uncomfortable. They keep eyeing my face. Do they see. Oh I think they see it.

"Yo guys I think this guy is wearing makeup. What a gay." He says and they all laugh. "You getting all pretty for your boyfriend huh?" He says and they laugh again. I try to hold back the tear before my eyes explode. Vic walks into the cafeteria and right over to the guys making fun of me.

"Hey guys. What's up." He says all confused. Please don't tell him. Please don't tell him.

"This guy right here" he says pointing at me. " is wearing make up. Isn't that something to laugh at. He's getting all pretty for someone special. Gay." He says and spits on me. I can't take it anymore and I leave the cafeteria. Crying my way out I get outside and sit under a tree and cry. Why didn't anyone do anything to stop them. I hate my life.

Vic comes outside a few minutes later looking around, probably for me. His eyes land on mine and he starts walking over. I wipe away the tears to make it look like I wasn't crying, my eyes still sting though. He bends down and sits right in front of me.

"I'm so sorry about what happened back there. Everyone basically worships them at this school and when someone goes against them things get really nasty. Please don't cry Kellin your too beautiful for that." He just called me beautiful. I mouth thank you to him. He smiles back. "But could you please explain to me what happened to your face and why you were wearing makeup to cover it?" My head spins around and I start to cry again. He puts his hand on my knee. "Kellin, it's ok to tell me I won't do anything" fine I should tell him.

"My Mom. She does it. She doesn't like having to live with me. My father left so it's just me and her. If I disappoint her in anyway she just hits me and those fake nails dig into my skin. She's been doing this for a while. I-I just don't know how to deal with it anymore." I say and start to cry again. I must look like a mess to him.

"Oh. Kellin I'm sorry. I- ugh please just text me whenever. I can help you. Please. I'll try to keep them off your back but I can't promise it. Ok?" He says. I pull out my phone and smile while texting him. His hand falls to my ankle.

Kellin: thank you

He pulls out his phone and reads the text. He looks me back in the eyes. Slowly smiling. Making me smile. Of course someone always has to ruin good moments and this time it's those jerks that Vic's friends with I guess, or their making him be with them.

"Vic what the hell you doing with that gay piece of shiz." One of them yells.

"Sorry" he whispers to me and gets up and heads over to them. One of them throws a soda can at me. Vic doesn't turn around. They turn around and leave me alone.


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