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hope ya like. ps; anyone else see the way awsten knight and kellin quinn look at eachother? 


I stare up at my ceiling. It's 1:20 am and I can't sleep. I tried staring out the window at the moon to make me sleepy. Didn't work. It seems that I haven't been able to sleep at all since I moved here. Maybe it's the living nightmares hunting me. I've decide to text Vic, though I doubt he'll be up right now. He said to text him whenever so I'm going to do that.

Kellin: are you up? I can't sleep

Vic: yeah I can't sleep either.

He replies almost instantly.

Kellin: I haven't been able to sleep for a while.

Vic: Me too. Wanna come over and sit on my roof with me?

Kellin: uh sure but I don't know where you live.

I do know where he lives. I saw him be dragged into his house.

Kellin: I'm the big white colored house

Vic: lucky you. I live right next to you. Climb out your window and bring a blanket you can access my roof from there.

I grab a blanket and change into warmer sweats and put on a hoodie. I slide open my window slowly so my mom won't hear me. Vic was right his roof is right there outside my window. I just have to climb over to it. I wrap my blacker around my shoulders and climb.

After a few near deaths of slipping I got onto his roof. Sure enough he's laying down there staring up at the sky. I walk over to him trying not to fall.

"Hi" I say to him quietly.

"Hey. Put your blanket right here next to mine" I lay it out so ours are connecting. I look up at the sky, it's so clear. You can see every inch of the sky. The moon big, bright, and whole. The millions of small twinkling stars burning above.

I lay down next to him and just stare straight up. We don't talk we just stared above. My eyes still burn but the sky calms me. "Kellin, I know that I don't know you very well but I want to change that. It'll be difficult because I won't be able to be around you much because of, well you know. And I just want to let you know if you need to get away from your house just text me and we can meet here, on my roof." He says and breaks the silence. No one really cared for me this way. I've had people do it but then they just end up stabbing me in the back. I want to trust Vic, I really do. I just don't know how everything will work out.

"Can I just ask one question?" He nods

"What is it that you do. Why did that guy come in and drag you out the other day. And why are the guys your with so I don't know, uptight." After I asked that his whole face flushed away. He took a deep breath and looked at me. Something bad was going to happen.

"You can't tell anyone please. I would get in so much trouble." I nod. "Me, my brother and his friends are drug dealers. We do it for the money, to support our family you know. My brother really likes doing this. I get worried about him sometimes because he actually does drugs, like the hard ones. I just do it for the money, I really do. Please Kellin, don't tell anyone. I don't want this to hurt anymore." He lets out one more breath. I would do this to him. He helped me so I'll help him in return by not saying anything.

"I won't" I whisper to him.

"Thanks. Now let's try to sleep."

---(three hours later)---

A car alarm wakes me up. It's still dark out but I can see the sun about to peak over the horizon. The only thing different from when I came here is the warm arm draped around my waist holding me tight. Vic's arm is cuddling me. Hugging me close I can feel his chest rise and fall. His hair hangs in his face giving him a messy look. He starts mumbling something but I can't quite hear it. I move my ear closer to him to hear. "Kell, Kell, don't let me jump. Please Kell, don't let me fall. Kell." He mumbles.

I fall back asleep in his arms. Smiling. Trying to dream about the good things. 

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