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anyone elses turkey dry cuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


Vic: can you meet me on the roof. I need to tell you something.

Kellin: sure but why can't you just text me it.

Vic: just come out

Kellin: uh........

Vic: you know what I mean

Kellin: fine I'll be there in a few.

I lock my door this time. Even though my mother isn't home from wherever she goes, I still can't take risks. I climb out my window to his roof. He looks over to me and pats a spot next to him. I sit down and look at his face.

I let my eyes trail over his. They're so brown they could warm me from the cold. His long wavy hair falling on his shoulders. His tanned skin. And his full lips.

"I have to tell you something." I nod "I have to leave for a month. I don't exactly know why but I have to. I have to, to survive. Please be strong for me. I want to see you when I come back." His hand falls on mine. I look at him back in the eye processing what he said. I smile a little bit at his hand on mine. "If you need to get away just climb up on here. It'll be weird without me here. But if it helps, just do it." I will I'll do it every night. I need it this bad.

He bends over and hugs me. "Kellin, Just try. Do it for me." I can't cry again. I can't. I won't.

"When do you leave?" I ask.

"5 am. So basically a couple hours." I form my mouth into a O shape. Then nod.

"But I want to show you something before I leave. Follow me" We get off his roof and start walking down the street. We pass the downtown part of town. We're still walking. We past the town limit and are getting into the forest. We get into the woods and I almost trip over a stump. Vic grabs my hand and holds it for the rest of the way. His hand warming my whole body. A lake is in front of us with the moon reflecting off it. There really isn't a word to describe it. It's just beautiful.

"Before everything happened. My little brother and I used to come here at night and play around in the woods. Everything is different now. It's like the memory was just a lie. He never acts sweet and innocent now. He gets into fights a lot and does drugs. I don't even know who he is anymore." Vic really does miss his old life. He needs help too. I didn't realize he had this problem. Where he had one memory then it just faded. I though he was just screwed with ha e to help deal drugs. This is something else.

"Can I just give you something before I go." I nod. He leans in and puts his hands on my arms. Kinda like he's holding them down. His soft warm lips press against mine. Then before I can do anything back he's heading back into the woods towards town. Leaving me to stare and the lake.


sorry this is short i just had to get it out there, i promise the next few will be longer than this.

Lost In The Smoke (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now