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i actually really love writing this fic

Btw ive given up on capitalizing the i's and adding apostrophes so grammar nazi's chill out.


It's the first day of school since Vic had come back. I know I probably won't see him often but I could try to get my hopes up. He's always out and around with those guys he's in that group with. They're always keeping him near like he's on a leash. I know he sneaks looks at me, I've caught him a few times.

I've gone into the library now to sit and be quiet. The librarian has come near me but she hasn't said anything to me to leave. I've come here a lot since the past week. It's sorta my quiet spot, away from reality.

I keep counting down the days till I go to that Warped Tour thing. I haven't really done something fun, at least for my self before. I can wait to enjoy music with my Vic.

My? Why did I say my? We're just friends, Kellin, don't go crazy. 

Vic: I just got the tickets!

Kellin: for what?

Then my brain finally clicks. And then I flip.


Vic: obviously i am.

Kellin: well, i didn't realize how big your ego was, Mr. Fuentes.

Vic: i thought you said eggo, like the waffle. 

I giggle a little. Vic can always be the one to put a smile on my face or make me laugh. That's what i like about him, he nice and funny and understanding, i guess. But most of all, hes making my dream of going to Warped Tour true! I've always imagined playing on Warped Tour for people, but i'm not in a band and i don't think i have any musical ability. So i went for the other best choice, actually going to witness the bands i love.


Its been a couple two weeks since i heard of the tickets being bought. Today is finally the day, my first Warped Tour. There's so many things i've wanted to do, i've heard stories about what goes on, and i want today to be the best day of my existence.

First i want to aggressively dance to Asking Alexandria, since i already knew way in advance that they were going to be there. I checked on the computer at school a head of time for the lineup so i knew who was gonna be there.

Then i want to Mosh. Isin't Moshing everyone's dream at Warped Tour? Warped Tour is the place to go to mosh, not some concert for one band. Its at freaking Warped Tour. I don't care if i fucking get a little bruise, its all about the experience, really.

Vic: ok, you can come over to my house now.

Vic told me to wake up early today since we have to drive a while to the venue. He also needed me up early to get out of the house without his brother and his friends noticing. I'm still kinda mad, well i wouldn't say mad. I don't know if i should really be mad at him about this but, why hasn't he told his brother or family about wanting to hang out with me?

I know i really shouldn't push it on him since hes going through a lot with his gang. But if it makes things any easier for him to just simply tell them he should do it. Then there's the other fact that his family really does hate me, and they sense that i'm gay, which i am, and don't like gays. What its not like i'm going to burn them or paint their whole house rainbow colors, its not like that.

I jump out of my door trying not to wake my mom and make her upset about where i'm going. Like she'll actually care. I'm so excited that i run over to Vic's house, like a little kid on Christmas. He opens the door while im running up his walkway.

"Well, someones happy?" Vic says with a wide grin, and his arms on both sides of the door frame. Leaving me with giving him something special.

"Hell yes!" i say running into his arms giving him a big hug that he relaxes too. 

I can feel him laugh a little and put his arms around me holding me tight, sending sparks through my body making me feel like i can fly. His arms slide tighter around my waist so that i can feel his finger tips playing on my sides. 

"Vic, you don't know how awesome you are. I cant believe i'm actually going to The Vans Warped Tour, ever since i started liking this type of music i've always wanted to go." i sense him smiling.

"You're welcome Kell" he says not letting go of me.


well well you soggy pieces of bread. im so sorry i havent updated this in a loooooong time, hate on me all you want. i made this chapter a little longer than normal i think so hope yall liked. ps this fic will end in prolly 2 more chapters so be prepared

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