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They let Kellin out after a week. Bruised bones got the best of him. Nothing broken. His wrists are still in bad shape and they made him wear braces for it.

He just looks so weak all the time and it worries me.

I don't know what happened with my brother and his friends, I'm too scared to find out. My mother hasn't reached out to me at all, like she'd care. I'm just one less thing she has to take care of. Another thing gone.

I was just another piece of trash she brought home to her life. So now I cleared things up for her for leaving.



He's currently laying down on the couch looking like a ghost. He's been in the same spot for 5 days and all he ever does is sleep. I don't even know how hes lasting without having to get up and go take a shit. He doesnt want to eat either and it seems like somethings really bugging him. He just wont tell me though.

"Can I maybe have a Popsicle?" He asks giving me big puppy dog eyes.

"yes," i hear him yell yay behind me. "but," then he yells boo. "we don't have any so you have to get your ass ready to go down to the store ok?"

"ugh fineeee. can you help me stand up though." i nod and head over to him. he lifts up his arms and i basically carry him to the bathroom. such a baby.

i hear him washing his hand and face and running his fingers through his hair. and he still didn't go to the bathroom, oh well.


"ok we have to go to the frozen isle first kellin if you want to get ice cream." i say grabbing his hand and guiding him to the frozen isle.

"but i want candy." he says in a whiny voice.

"we can get that later babe." his grip on my hand tightens and i rub my thumb across the top of his.

we get to the ice cream isle and his face lights up and it's so adorable.

"ok you can grab two tubs of whatever you want."

"yay!" he squeaks like a little kid.

he grabs the ice cream and we go over to the candy isle and grab a shit ton of candy. anything to make kellin happy.


when we get home we go lay down on the bed and i pull out a movie to watch so kellin can sleep. it's all he's ever been doing.


"yes viccy." he looks up at me with the cutest face ever.

"why are you sleeping so much?"

"i don't know i feel so tired all the time. i think it has something to do with my pills."

"should we get that checked out?"

"maybe but right now i just want to be with you." he wraps his arms around my torso and presses his face to my chest and kisses it.

"i love you kellin quinn." i choke out. i don't think he was expecting this and i don't think i was either.

"i love you to vic fuentes." he lifts his head up and kisses me passionately on this lips then falls asleep.

i hope this never ends.


sorry for the late update but i've run out of ideas for this fic and i've chosen two endings that'll happen in two chapters so watch out for them.



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