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happy thanksgiving peopppppppppppppleeeeeeeee!11!!!!1


I wake up in my own bed. Wasn't I out on the roof with Vic last night? I'm still in the clothes I changed into for going outside last night. And the blanket I brought outside is draped over me. There's nothing different in my room. He must have carried me over here, while I was sleeping. I check my phone to see what time it was. 7:43 am. There's also a text from Vic.

Vic: you were sleeping and I didn't want to wake you. Brought you back into your room. I'll meet you on the way to school.

I should probably get ready to leave. I get dressed putting on my ripped black jeans and gray shirt and of course my toms. I brush my teeth and head downstairs. And my mother is standing at the bottom of the stairway waiting for me.

"Where were you last night? I went into your room and you weren't there. Would you like to explain." She doesn't let me explain. She punches my jaw hard and then slaps me. Nails digging and all. I can feel the blood starting to trickle. I wait till she's out of my way and run for the door, leaving her behind.

I start to cry again. Why doesn't anyone care. Vic cares at least. I try to scrape away the blood with a tissue I found in my backpack. I think it's still running. I can't go back inside there to cover it up. She'll be waiting. She won't give up until she has what she wants.

"Kellin!" I hear Vic yell from behind me. I start to walk faster. He can't see me like this. I cover my face with my hands.

"Not now Vic" I say to him. Trying to sound tough. I guess it didn't work because soon enough he's right next to me. My hands are still over my face.

"What happened? Remove your hands from your face Kellin." I don't move them. He does. When he sees my face his face loses something. "When did this happen?" I don't want to tell him but I have to he said he would help me. I don't want someone this far up in my life. It never ends well.

"This morning" I whisper. He stretches out his hand so that his fingers trail over the wounds. The tears come up and tighten my throat. I can let him see me cry. Again. "She won't stop" I say letting the tears fall.

"C'mon, lets go to the store and get some stuff to clean that up." He says

"Vic I-I don't want to be a problem for you. It's ok I don't need you to do this." Yes You do need him. He's the only one who cares.

"I don't care. I'm helping you. Don't hate me. You need this." He says calmly. He walks past me letting his hand brush against mine. "Lets go. The stores this way." He says and I follow him.

---(school arrival 20 mins later)---

"Ok class for you project of the quarter I will be pairing you up with someone." Our science teacher Ms. Gunn says. "I will be picking your groups at random. If you want to switch you have to come up with a good explanation for it. Or else I don't care." I don't really like doing group projects because it involves interaction with other people. She reads off the list. Vic got paired with some kid named Justin. There goes my chances. My name is the last one to be called. "Kellin you'll be with, let's see, Jamie." After she said that I hear a loud upset from the back of the room.

I turn around to see one of the guys who was being mean to me the other day. Great this is turning into hell. "Can I not be with the weird freak over there please!" He yells to her. Pointing at me. I turn my head to look at Vic. He mouths 'I got this' to me.

I really hope he does.

Lost In The Smoke (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now