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I thought everything was peaceful on the way back in the car from warped. The sirens I hear going in and out of consciousness of the glass shattered around me. That the emergency room didn't have anything to do with where I am now.

His hand on mine as we pull out of the parking lot after a long day, with smiles spread across our faces. At that time we weren't thinking about the future, we honestly didn't care. That day was the best day of our lives and we were willing to spend forever with it burned into our minds. The feeling of rush, of fun. Running across the ground to go see the next bands that we loved, and we spent that time there thinking of how great it was to have each other.

The bright white blinding lights came out of nowhere on a side road. We thought we were alone, no one in front of us and no one behind us. The music was far too loud coming through the speakers of the car for us to eve hear a car nearby.

Until that one second. The second where you get the feeling something bad is going to happen. Your insides get all messed up and you feel like you're going to puke any second. The second where you scream really loud, but not in time to shield yourself.

The second where you are followed and people plan on crashing their car into yours and almost kill you.

The police are saying that it was a planned murder. A hit and run. The people who hit us are still running from the cops haven't caught them yet.

Glass from the window next to me shattered and stabbed my arm with huge shards sticking out. My head suffered too, and they had to sew up the back of it. My nose is broken from hitting it on who knows what. And as for Vic? I haven't seen him in days and its killing me.

The nurses here say that he's recovering fine, just like me. I'll ask what he's recovering from and they'll just answer with, "the crash". Yeah, I know that we were both in a car crash, but I need to know what happened to him.

"Hello, Mr. Bostwick," I wince at my last name.

"No, it's Quinn." I say back almost instantly.

"Sorry, Mr. Quinn. Anyway, you have to be on your meds for a while longer since you got hit pretty bad and there was glass in your stomach. It's taking a while longer since you just had surgery and now you need to recover from it before you can get up and go home."

"Where's Vic?" I ask totally ignoring what she just told me.

"He was let out Yesterday." She says.

Why hasn't he come to visit me yet? I thought he cared about me. It's just a hospital I'm sure that he was able to just walk in if he asked. Back at warped when his friends attacked us he didn't seem as scared as me, in fact, if I remember correctly, he didn't help at all when they were hitting me, he just stood there. Then he tried to make it up to me, and I accepted it like a complete idiot.


They let me out today to go home with some medication to take for a couple of weeks. I know that I won't have a hard time finding Vic considering that he lives right next to me. That's it unless my mom has other plans.

Her car is not in the driveway so I'm safe for now. I head up into my room and change out of my bloody, ripped clothes and put on fresh ones. I rush back downstairs and out the door, over to Vic's house. I walk up their walkway and knock on the door nervously. It's a good two minutes for the door to be opened before I turn around and walk away.

It wasn't Vic who opened the door, no, it was Jamie. "Perfect, " he says before pulling me by my shirt into the house.

"What the hell! Vic! Let go of me, you shit!" I yell, but he doesn't let go after I kick and throw my arms around. He slams open a door and throws me down stairs. My ribs hurting more now and my legs being crushed with every step. I hit the ground hard on my head making my vision go blurry. I can hear footsteps going down the stairs and I try to scurry away on the ground, but someone behind me kicks me down even more.

"Pathetic shit stealing a piece of shit." someone spits out of me. I turn my head to see the shadow of three other guys and a fourth one on the ground with his arms chained to a wall up in the air.

"W-w-what do y-you want f-f-from m-me?" I ask, scared shitless.

"Your fucking life asshole." One of them yells at me. "We tried to take it a couple days ago with that car accident, but it looks like you made it out alive from that." My eyes go wide and i try to stand up. Another strong force hits me at my ankles and I go back down to the floor.

"Kel?" I hear quietly being mumbled from that person chained up. My heart starts beating faster forcing tears to flow out of me.

"Vic? Please make them stop! I didn't do anything!" I scream.

"Oh, shut up" then another kick in the face sends me into a pit of darkness.


sorry for late update but this fic will be over in a couple of chapters ! im sorta running out of ideas for this one, from the beginingi thought it would be really good but that feeling faded away.

Lost In The Smoke (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now