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I think birds are living in my walls because in the morning I hear them then get a massive headache. Or my mind is just tripping out on me, considering that I'm the only one who hears it.



I don't know how long Vic has me attached to him. But all I know is that it was enough for someone to notice. And enough for someone to make a scene.

A pull on the back of my shirt sends me flying away from Vic. He reaches his arms out to grab me back, but I'm already skidding across the concrete. I can feel my arms get scratched up.

My hair is covering my eyes, so I can't see who pulled me away. But I can hear their voice.

"Vic, why the fuck are you here? Especially making out with some girl. Man, why didn't you tell us." A familiar voice says.

I stand up and brush off my clothes and fix my hair. I have a few scrapes on my forearm. And I look at who ever was talking to Vic directly in the eye.

It's his druggie friends.

They see me too and start stomping towards me. "Uh, I don't, uh" I say backing away with my hands up.

"Guys, c'mon he was on top of me, I didn't do anything." Vic says and makes me look at him with disgust.

"It's ok buddy, we'll make sure he can't get on anyone again." One of them says looking at me.

"What?! Vic, please you gotta stop them." I plead. He doesn't do anything but stare.

Two of them punch me sending me down. I clutch my side as my head spins. One of them hits me in the head again and I hold back a scream.

But I didn't hold back the smoke. The smoke rises, thicker than I've ever seen it. That's all I see. I start to cry, the tears sting. The smoke keeps filling my eyes as my eyes drain with water.

Why do I always have to be such a screw up. I not only screw up my own life, but the people's around me too. If I hadn't been stupid enough to let Vic in nothing would happen. I wouldn't  be here being attacked for hanging with him.

"Kellin!" I hear my name yelled faintly away. I get up and bat my hands in the smoke trying to get away. Someone grabs me by my waist as I still wave my arms in the smoke.

"No, I don't want you Vic." I say tugging my arm away from him, he grabs it back.

"Kel- please I'm sorry. Let's just get away from them." He says looking me in the eye, with his eyes that make me melt.

"No, you need to tell them that you like to hang with me. You can't just avoid them all the time and lie. Vic, I like you. But I can't be with you if your constantly hiding from them, and I'm constantly being picked on. I'm sorry but I just can't Vic, go find someone else to break." I say and this time yanking my wrist away from his successfully.

I start walking away, leaving him behind me. Don't look back. (TWD REFERENCE WOO!) I move my legs as fast as I can trying to get rid of the smoke.

"I love you, Kellin." What. No, he's lying just so you'll turn around.

But he's already in front of me, staring at me with his hands out for me to be in. I stare at him as his eyes start to fill up with tears. I walk into his arms as he wraps them around me.

Our bodies fall in sync with every breath. I take a deep breath, grab his shirt, and kiss him. "I'm sorry I'm a jerk" he says into my hair. "Let's get away from those guys and I promise I won't be with them again, if it means a lot to you. We should be enjoying our warped tour, were to busy being lost in the smoke."

The smoke. He needs to know.


Hey guys sorry I'm late at updating this and sorry that this chapter is short but it is not the end I promise that.

Love ya 😘 c: XD

Lost In The Smoke (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now