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if your reading this your the best viccy poo (you know who you are)



It's been two weeks since I left town, and Kellin. I have this feeling that he's even worse now. I told him to be strong. Hopefully he is. I really want to text him but I don't want to get caught by the guys. I pull out my phone and unlock it. Just as I go into contacts some one rips my phones out of my hands. I look up to see Jeremy.

"We can't use that. Some one might be tracking us. I can take care of that for you." He chucks my phone at the wall making it shatter into a million pieces. Pissing me off.

"Should of just left it at home. We all did that." He says

"We should have left you at home." I get up and punch him in the face. He grabs his face falling to the floor. I see my little brother, Mike, walk in and I stop.

"Chill it guys. We have a trade in a hour." He says. In one hour we'll be having the biggest meet up to exchange drugs. We pay and they give us more so we can deal. Simple. We just have to make it out of there unharmed.

I walk into the main room to see the whole table covered in black. We have tons of guns spread across the table. Boxes of bullets stacked up on chairs. Silencers in piles near the guns. There has to be at least sixty here and there's only seven of us.

"Can't take chances, amigo." Jamie says while picking up a gun to clean it. "These guys are dangerous." Everyone in the room picks up their guns and puts them in their clothes. They grab at least twenty bullets and one silencer. They all stare at me when their done, I haven't grabbed any guns yet. I reach out to grab the only gun left, a glock. And a bat no one took with chicken wire wrapped around it. It reminds me of a bad comic character. (A/N again....NEGAN)

---(after the meeting)---

That went smoother than I thought. Other than the fact that one of their stupid guys took my bad and hit me in my side leaving a bad wound. They also tried to scam us with something different from what we asked but Mike caught them. We head back tomorrow. I also have something for Kellin.

While we were at the meeting, some of us were asked to step out of the room. This could last for hours. I walked around the town which web were at and came across a bunch of posters for local bands. One sign caught my eye. Something called Warped Tour, I guess a bunch of bands all travel to the same venue and perform different times all in one day. I've seen posters in Kellin's room of the bands on the list.

I need to go buy a new phone so I could capture everything to come. -


yeayeayea its short again i get it IM WORKING ON THEM CHILL.

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