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hey i couldn't update this cuz i didnt have it written and i had a sws concert then my computer broke but its here now so yay


Vic isn't responding to my texts and I'm getting worried. It's been a month and he hasn't responded to thirty texts and calls. What he does is really bad. But he isn't. How did he even get started doing that in the first place. He never told me when he would get back so all I have to do is wait.

School is already bad. I had to do my assignment in science all by myself. Good thing I'm not good so my partner will get a bad grade too.

My mom has also locked me in my room for the past two days. She hasn't given me any food or water. She doesn't know that there's a bathroom in my room so I can access water. I took full advantage of that. She also locked my window when I wasn't home so I don't have a key to open it. I haven't been able to go out on the roof, I'm planning on though.

I rummage through my closet looking for a key. I throw every single thing out. Which isn't a lot. I come across a small crumpled up yellow envelope. Inside it is a key. I get up and walk over to the window. I don't know how long it took me, but when I started it was light out and now it's dark. I slide open the window and let out a sigh.

I get out of my room breathing in the fresh air. Vic's roof looks all lonely. I should have brought a blanket to sit on. The cold wind slices through my shirt giving me goose bumps. Cars drive down the street giving me hope that it's Vic but they only pass by. Sometimes I wonder why he always came up here. Letting his mind wander at night, going over his life. The moon light covering his skin. His worries disappearing with the clouds.

Moment pass and im still on the roof. I haven't been to the lake spot Vic had showed me since he left. I hop of the roof and land on both feet sending shock waves up my legs. The road is empty now, and I don't know what time it is. I don't know why but the path to the lake is burned into my head. I let my feet take me where I need to be. A car drives by blinding me. I almost turn down the path when something stop me.

Something shuffles off in the distance making me crap myself. I squint my eyes to see in the dark. I wish I could just close them and never wake up sometimes. I open my eyes for a brief second and see smoke starting to rise. Tears fall and I try to hold back a whimper but it's to strong.

"Hey! Are you ok?" The feet infront of me. I try to wave them away but they're still walking towards me. I look up to see Vic. Now all the tears fall and the smoke fades away. He sees me too and soon enough I'm running up to him with my arms out. I crash into his embrace letting our hug echo through the night. "Kellin, oh my god. I missed you so much." He says into my hair. If he could hear my heart right now I think he'd need earplugs.

We hug till I forgot where I was going before. "You're so cold, who chilled your bones. Here take my jacket." He says and slips off his jacket to put it on me. The sent of him goes up my nose, and in my lungs. We head back to our houses without another word slipping. Though I think both of us have enough words to fill a lake.

Vic looks at me and smiles, then we crawl back into our homes.

Lost In The Smoke (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now