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Ok so I want to make this to at least 15 or more chapters because I know it sucks when fics are short in chapters. I'm trying but I cannot guarantee this to be updated for the wait of 2 weeks or longer in between. I'm sorry. but I have this on my number one priority.
I woke up somewhere in between dawn and morning-morning. The sun peeking through the small window is faint but it lights up the room.

The room where Vic and I are chained up the a brick wall. I'm guessing we're in the basement of his house but this doesn't look like a normal basement, nor does it smell like one. First off the smell, yeah smells like straight up drugs.

Second off, I think this is where they make some of them. There's at least three tables with various machines scattered around them. Some look like they're I because I can see steam coming out them. Big machines and small ones with either a liquid or a solid in them. Thousands of cords trailing off them and onto the ground so they can collide with more.

Third, I turn my head over to Vic face as I wince from the pain roaming throughout my body. His skin is a little dark, so it's weird to see bruises so clearly scattered over his face. His lip looks like it was split. And his knuckles, are covered in blood. Did he try to fight back? Why was he fighting back to be down here in the first place?

"Vic" I say but my throat is so dry you can barley hear me.

"Kellin, I'm so sorry I brought you into this. I never should have told you, I knew it was a bad idea but I wanted to help you." He says choking on his words. He tries to movie but something stops him and he cries out in pain.

The way were chained up is so weird. There's this hand cuff things nailed into the brick above us with our wrists strapped to them. Nothing is at our feet tho which is kinda stupid. The cuffs are hella tight and I can't feel my arms anymore and my fingers are all prickly.

"Why are we down here?" Is all I manage to say. He takes in a deep breath and I wait for his response.

"I told you Kellin, it's because I told you that I deal and they must've found out somehow. Plus, they don't really like gays. Especially me being gay."

"You didn't have to though. Help me out." I say back.

A moment of since passes between us as we struggle for a better position to sit.

"You see, when I first saw you I didn't really know how to act. I just never saw a face as beautiful as yours before and your eyes topped it all. Then I started talking to you and you seemed a little off. That one morning when I texted you to walk to school right before your mom hit you? I've heard her do it before when I was outside. I wanted to help I just didn't know how to and I really didn't want to hurt you more. My life really did depend on it because of the group I was in was so strict and I was stuck under their petty rules to actually live a little, so after we started hanging out more and more I started to like you. Like like you, Kellin. Then I saw that poster for warped tour and I just felt that it was the perfect thing for us to go to, and I knew that it would make you fell better and it did. I just never thought that in the end we were being watched and someone wanted to kill us, let alone those people be basically my family." He says and I start to cry. So he really did like me. He did all this for me. He was risking His life and job just to make me feel better.

"Vic, I-I don't know what to say." I choke the words out.

"Kellin, I think I love you." He says leaving my mouth to hang open.

His chocolate brown eyes swim in tears but don't over flow yet.

He's saying this all to early, what if we make it out of here alive and he just said all that to make me feel better and wanted before we die. If we do. But then again we might not die and this could genuinely be coming from out of his heart.

"Do you really mean this?" I ask searching his eyes for answers.

"Mhm" he says back blinking slowly letting tears roll down his checks.


He didn't say that he loves me back. Shit. I shouldn't have told him maybe he doesn't like me back. Was he even gay? This just makes me look like a freak.

I told him why. Why all those nights we met out on the roof. I was helping his escape from his mom. And that one night where I had my arm wrapped around him, I knew he needed an arm, I was also starting to develop feeling for him then. I've seen how he looks at me he just never really opens up. I get that, it hard coming from where his family is.

Then at warped tour when he kissed me I just completely fell in love with him even more. I can control what I do but I know Kellin can. He just is amazing on the inside. He really does care about you once you get to know him and he's just so cute and funny.

I know why we were trying to be killed. I'm even sure my brother was in on this. They don't want anyone to know what we do. Not even the stupidest person because something could be overheard or someone would be listening and it would get them exposed and we'd all go to jail.

I really want to see a future with Kellin but from where we are now it's kinda hard to see ahead to the good.

A door swings open and smashes agains the wall and kellin and I look at each other.

"Oh Kellin. We have a little surprise for you!" Jamie yells from the top of the stairs.

Kellin starts shaking his head and crying. Mumbling the words 'no no no'. 

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