Within The Heart 3

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Walking through the school halls with my book in my hands. "Hurry, we're going to be late." My friend rushed me. She grabbed me by my arm pulling me. "I don't want to be late for class." 

"Stop worrying." I waved her off. "We're not going to be late." The second bell rang. My eyes widen. "Okay, we're going to be late." We started running down the halls. My face smacked the door as it closed on our faces. "Ow!" I shouted.

I opened my door and started to rub my face when we started running again. When we got to the classroom door the third bell rang. Everybody in the classroom taking their sets. I ran to my set while the teacher walked in behind us. 

"We made it." My friend whispered. I nodded. 

"Okay class. Today we're going to do a project. See the different kinds of paint and color at your tables?" I looked at my table where there were paintbrushes, big paper and indeed different types of paint and colors.

"Today day, you will be painting the first thing that comes to mind when you think about water. Now, you see there are green and yellow and pink and red." He said. "That’s because if you want, you can make it a lake, river, waterfall, rainbow on top of the ocean, ECT. Just be creative." 

Everybody cheered. "Okay now go to your tables." 

I went to stand to my friend who already had gotten started. "What are you painting?" I asked as I dipping my brush in red paint. 

My friend grind. "Beautiful Rainbow Lake." I nodded. "What about you." 

"Waterfall with a sunset." 

"Niceee." She said winking. 

The class was long, but I liked that it was. Art was one thing I was good at. I always looked forward for art.

I wasn't nowhere near done. Nobody in this class would be done in probably two or three days.

The teacher put a soft hand on the side of my back. I looked up at her worried eyes. "The phones for you." She whispered. And it was so low, that I couldn't hear her that much. She pointed at the phone and I started walking to it. 

"Hello," I said into the phone. 

"I have some bed news. Your parents have been in a car crash and they might not make it."

"Were the twins in it?" I asked.

"Yes, they passed away two hours ago." I dropped the phone and dropped to my knees. I yelled out in pain like if someone had stabbed me.

"No!!" I yelled. 




The teacher already knew what happened. She ran over to me helping me up. "Sweetie, it'll be okay." 

"No it won’t!" I shouted, everybody in the classroom looking at me with horrified looks. "They're dead." I said. 

My friend jumped up running to me helping to teacher to stand me up. Get off!" I yelled.

"Talk to me." My friend said with worried eyes. "Please, talk to me." 

I lowered my voice. "My parents were in a car crash. The twins were there. The twins----died. And my parents won’t make it." I wasn't sure if she understood over my tears and my cracking voice.

She shocks her head and hugged me tight. Everybody still looking at us. "I'm so sorry." She whispered. 

I woke up screaming, remembering that day. Dreaming about it, thinking about it. When I woke up I was in a white room and on the far side corner was a little girl looking at me. 

Two men ran in looked around the room. "What happened?" They asked the little girl as if she knew a thing.

The little girl didn't answer. "Are you okay?" They asked.

"Where am I?" I asked.

But from the dream I just had, I wasn't able to be mad. I was scared, lost, and alone. I had a dream about that day. The day I never wanted to remember.

"You’re in a foster home." Something I never wanted to be in. I started yelling again, making the little girl cry. I got up started running to the window but one of the men stopped me. "Stop we won’t hurt you. You have to stay."

They found me, I kept telling myself. How did they find me? I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember was watching the kids playing and after that everything goes blank. I kicked, and screamed. 

But these men weren't letting me go. A lady came in with something long in her hands. I didn't see what it was every well. She walked up behind me and lifted my shirt. "What are you doing?" I yelled.

"This will help you calm down." She said. I felt something sharp going into my side. I bit one of the guys on the shoulder, trying to keep from yelling out in pain. The guy didn't yell. It's like he didn't feel it a lot. My legs started to get tired giving up from trying to get free. The guy that I bit sat me on the bed.

When I got a closer look at him, I gasped. It was the guy from the coffee shop. 

It looks like he just noticed me for the first time to, because his eyes widened. "It's you." He whispered.

His shoulder had a mark from where I bit him. It was red with tooth marks.

"It's you...” I whispered.


So, so, so, so, SOOO sorry I haven't been on lately. I have a lot of projects, and homework. And homework’s that I haven't even done and need to make up or it'll become a 0. I'll try to get on Friday and upload Enchanted. 

Thank you for reading.

Don't forget to vote and comment. And if you haven't already, don't forget to fan. :) 

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