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"Ugh, I seriously can't stand you!"

"Shut up, I've heard it a thousand times. I don't care."

"This isn't healthy. You should just go."

"Why me? Why don't you go?"

"You just have to make things complicated, don't you?"

"You're such a fucking- oh... hi Kookie..."

      Six year old Jungkook stands in the doorway, staring at his parents who are arguing as usual. He doesn't say anything, he just looks at them as the room fills with an eery silence.

"Erm, why don't you go outside? Get some sunlight? You're father and I are just... chatting. Run along," his mother says as she pushes him back out the door.

      Jungkook doesn't fight back, he just lets himself slide across the floor until he reaches the garage. The door slams in his face as the sound of bickering starts up again from the other side. He lets out a sigh and exits the garage, entering the blinding sunlight. He shields his eyes as he begins to walk down the sidewalk, not sure of where he's going.

He's used to this, though.

      He doesn't know what a divorce is, but he's patiently waiting for the day that his parents part ways. They're always fighting, it drives Jungkook a little insane, sometimes. But he tries not to think about it. He tries to think positively. He pretends that all the bad stuff doesn't exist, and he makes up excuses for when it does.

      As he continues down the sidewalk, past numerous amounts of houses, he trudges over to a bench on a curb and plops down, resting his face in his palms. He stares down at the pavement as the sun beats down on his exposed neck, waiting for something exciting to happen.

But nothing comes.

     He almost decides to head back home when a white van pulls up to the curb. Jungkook just stares at it as it comes to a stop. On the side of the van in big, bubbly letters, it reads:

Jimin's World Of Happiness!

      Jungkook watches as a man gets out from the drivers side. He doesn't know if he should run or stay, curiosity filling him. The man comes around the front of the van and approaches him. Sweat starts to form on Jungkook's forehead.

"Hello there! My name is Jimin, who are you?" The man introduces with a cheerful tone. Jungkook just stares at him, wide-eyes.

To be truthful, he isn't a bad looking man.

      He's somewhat short, but still taller than Jungkook. He has red hair and brown eyes, sporting a white shirt, black tie, black dress shoes, and black pants. When he talks, he has a high Busan accent, his voice sounding like a lullaby to young Jungkook. And he looks young; early twenties, maybe?

"I-I'm Jungkook... What do you want?" The boy asks, staring up at the so-called, "Jimin."

"Well, you see, I couldn't help but notice that you looked a little... sad. And I'm all about happiness!" Jimin exclaims, his eyes squinting up as he smiles.

"Okay... and?"

"And... I want to make you happy!"

There's an awkward silence as Jungkook's thoughts begin to race. Should he trust this random stranger? Should he head home? Should he pretend like none of this ever happened? Or does he truly want to be happy?

"I guess. What do I have to do?" Jungkook sighs with a shrug.

"Just come with me," Jimin perks up as he runs to the van, motioning for Jungkook to follow.

Jungkook remains on the bench for a moment, contemplating as to whether or not he should really follow this psycho. But in the end, he gets up and heads to the van.

'I hope my parents don't mind,' he thinks to himself as he hops into the vehicle.

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