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"Hi, mom!"

      Jungkook sits on the bathroom floor as he hears the conversation coming from downstairs. He wipes his eyes and flinches when he remembers there's a bruise. Why did he start crying? Well, he's never been hit before. He also doesn't like the sound of yelling, it gives him a headache. And he also hates his grandma.

He balls his hand into a fist and punches himself in the cheek.

He bangs his head against the floor.

He rips out small strands of his hair.

He grabs a tiny pair of manicure scissors and slices his bottom lip.

He twist his nose until it cracks.

He hits himself in his stomach.

He sighs.

And wipes away his tears.

"Jungkook! Come down here! Grandma wants to see you!" His mothers worried voice floats up the stairs. Though, she isn't worried for him. She's worried for herself.

"C-Coming," his voice squeaks with a thousand cracks.

He stands up and almost falls over at the sight of his reflection in the bathroom mirror.

If it weren't so quiet, he would've let out a shriek.

He's a mess.

On the inside, and out.

      He takes a deep breath before slowly opening the door and heading down the stairs. What was his mother going to say? What was his grandmother going to say? What were they going to think? What were they going to do? Jungkook doesn't want to find out.

      He rounds a corner and enters the kitchen, where his grandma and mom await him. Their jaws drop when they see him, but his mother quickly recovers.

"Ah... uh, sit down Kookie," she motions for him to sit next to her, and he hesitantly obeys. Her eyes tell him that she's going to murder him later on, and frankly, he doesn't care.

"Mom, remember-"

"What the hell happened to you?" His grandma interrupts his mom, staring at him. Though, she doesn't actually seemed concerned. Not like Jimin.

"Uh... I got into a fight at school-"

"And ya lost, didn't ya? Shame..." his grandma mumbles. He stares down at his lap.

"Hey, I heard ya got in trouble at school today. For what... Smoking? Great job, kid," she grins, and Jungkook finds himself slightly grinning back. His mother scowls at the both of them.

"Eh, can I talk to Jungkook for a second? In private?" His mom asks, and gets up, not waiting for an answer. Jungkook sighs and follows behind.

      They enter the laundry room, where she closes the door.

"What the hell did you do to yourself?!" She whisper-yells, spitting in his face.

"I got mad, okay?" He mutters.

"I can't have you and her team up against me or something. Go to your room, and don't come out until she's gone!"

"Whatever," he mumbles, and instantly knows that that's not the right response.

He's about to feel his mother's wrath, until the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it," Jungkook says, though his mother just looks confused.

      He and his mother part ways as she heads back to the kitchen, and he heads to the front door.

"Hey, Jungkook! You need some saving?" Jimin asks, standing in the doorway. Jungkook's heart skips a beat at the sight of him.

'He's here to make me happy. He's here to make me better. He's here to make me forget,' he thinks to himself as he stares up at him. And suddenly, excitement fills the young boy.

"Of course I do! Thank you for coming," Jungkook squeals and leaps into Jimin's arms. He's never been so happy to see the red head.

"I was looking for you. I knew you needed help," Jimin says with a wink.

"Jungkook? Who's at the door? Who are you talking to?" His mom's voice calls from the kitchen.

"Lets go!" Jungkook yells excitedly, slamming the door. He whispers the word 'run' into Jimin's ear, and they take off down the street, his mom's voice calling after him.

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