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The house is quiet now. Not a single sound can be heard other than the sound of Jungkook's heavy breathing and coughing. And suddenly, he calls out. He begins yelling for help. But not just any help. Jimin's help.

"Jimin! Jimin I need you! Please help me! I'm almost happy! Come save me!" He yells, lying on the floor surrounded in his own blood. His eyes are closed, he refuses to look at the dead bodies around him.

"Jimin! Please! I need you! This is where it ends!" Jungkook screams, his voice cracking.

And just then, he hears a vehicle pull into the driveway. The sound of a car door closing and footsteps becoming louder fills his ears. He's hopeful. The door that leads out to the garage swings open, revealing a familiar red haired man.

"Hey, how ya doing, Jungkook?" Jimin asks, entering the bedroom and kneeling down beside the dying boy.

"I-I've been better," he responds groggily. Jimin just pats him on the shoulder. "I can tell."

"D-Do you have one last thing you c-can give me? I-I'm so close to happiness. Please, offer me one more distraction," Jungkook begs, breathing heavily.

"Hmm, let me think. I think I may have something," Jimin says and runs out to his van.

"Hurry!" Jungkook calls after him.

The red head returns with a tank of... Gasoline?

"I think this is what you're looking for," he says, holding it up. Jungkook stares at it, wondering what to do with it.

"I... I guess," he finally says, his mind slowly becoming foggy. "How much do you want for it?"

"Silly, don't you think your life is enough? You don't need to pay for it. You don't have anything else to offer. I'll be right back," he grins, opening the tank and running through the small house with it. Jimin pours it on the walls, the floor, the furniture. He even has to get a second tank, having the first one run out.

"Are you ready to say goodbye?" He asks as he returns to the bedroom. Jungkook nods his head.

"Okay, here. Light it when you're ready," Jimin says, handing him a cigarette and a lighter.

"What's the cigarette for?" Jungkook asks.

"I don't know. Just thought you would want to go out in a fun way."

"Okay... T-Thank you."

"No problem, I'll see you soon."

And with that, Jimin turns on his heels. Though, before he leaves, he gives Jungkook one last eye smile. A smile that he hasn't seen in such a long time. The red head waves before leaving, climbing into his van and driving away forever.

Jungkook weakly lifts the lighter and cigarette, flipping it on and watching the small flame appear. He lights the cigarette and places it between his teeth.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

For the very last time.

And after a few seconds, his body and mind grow weaker than ever before. The cigarette falls from his mouth and lands onto the gasoline, igniting the room around him. Jungkook smiles as his vision blacks out, knowing that he's finally defeated all of his demons. He can finally be happy, now. He rolls over onto his back and stares up at the ceiling as he slowly begins to fade away.

"Thank you, Park Jimin."

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