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"I'm going to die..."

"Good, we don't care. Why'd you even bother telling us, anyway?" His mom sneers.

      The broken family sits at the kitchen table, eating dinner. Though, Jungkook isn't hungry. He rarely ever is, anymore.

      A few months have gone by, and his cancer has only gotten worse. Probably because he refuses to get any treatment, but he doesn't want to waste his parents money on medicine. He finds himself coughing and struggling to breathe every few minutes, so his parents find it quite annoying to speak to him or have any conversations. So now, they hardly ever talk to him.

But they still beat him.

They still punch him in the chest.

They still knock the wind out of him.

He still struggles.

And not to mention, he hasn't seen Jimin in a while.

The man has disappeared once again.

      Now, Jungkook spends most of his time at home, if not all of his time. It's a struggle to move, or even walk anywhere. He's becoming weak, and his parents only take this as an opportunity to hurt him.

He wishes that he is strong enough to walk to the curb and wait for the white van, even if it doesn't show up. He just wants to leave this old house that doesn't even feel like home. Though, a long, very long time ago, it did feel like home.

When he was born up until the age of five, life was okay. Life was happy. Life was hopeful. His parents were nice, fun, caring, sober. Everyone was happy. Such a shame that it only lasted for five years. And then, everything fell apart. But that's life, and there's not much one can do about it.

Jungkook sighs as he thinks back on the happy times.

He looks up to see his parents talking, leaving him out. Which, he's perfectly fine with. He just sits there and stares at his plate, tuning out the world. Tears start to form in his eyes as he realizes that he's living a wasted life. But he quickly wipes them away, knowing that people have it worse. At least he has a magician, who is supposed to make everything better.

But has Jimin made anything better?

Or has he made it worse?

Jungkook doesn't know, and he doesn't really care, either. He doesn't feel like thinking, at least the man is trying to help him. Unlike some other people.

Jungkook's thoughts begin to shift towards Taehyung. Why did he kill him? The boy didn't do anything. Unfortunately, Jungkook had to take his anger out on someone. And now, Taehyung is dead. But no one knows that Jungkook did it. No one knows that he's a murderer. That case is still "unsolved." And Jungkook isn't planning on turning himself in, anytime soon.

"Are you not going to eat?" His mother asks, making him snap out of his thoughts.

"No," he sighs, standing up.

"Ungrateful bitch," she mutters under her breath, though still loud enough for him to hear.

"Why the fuck do you care anyway?" Jungkook asks, and immediately regrets saying it.

"What'd you just say?" His father intercepts before his mom can say anything.

"N-Nothing. I'm sorry," Jungkook quickly says, his palms becoming sweaty.

His father gets up and punches him in the chest, making him stumble back and hit his head on the counter.

"Get out of my sight," the man growls, and Jungkook scurries to his feet, coughing as he attempts to run up the stairs. Though, he's so out of breath that he collapses halfway to the top.

His vision becomes blurry as he lay on the carpet, panting and coughing. He hears footsteps growing louder, closer. He waits to be hurt. Though, before anyone can get to him, his vision blacks out and the world around him fades away.

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