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Natalie's pov

I put Netflix and looked over to Grayson

"what do you want watch?" i ask

"the 40 year old virgin?" he responds which sounded more like a question

"Sure" I said looking back to the tv

"want any snacks?" i asked getting up from the couch

"uhh sure i guess" he said getting up and following me towards the kitchen

I grabbed snacks from the pantry and when I say snacks I mean junk food, I looked over to Grayson who was shocked by how many snacks I was getting

"Well maybe you should get to know me before ranting to your brother" i say

We heard a knock on the door so I set the snacks on the counter. Grayson and I stare at each other for a second before walking over to the door to check who it was, it was Mrs. Carson

I took a deep breath before opening the door

"Oh hey Mrs.Carson what are you doing here at this time?" i ask

"Oh sorry but is your mom here?" she asked looking at Grayson

"Um no sorry my parents actually went on vacations but I'm here taking care of the house" i say

"Well i actually was here to ask for butter sorry, my husband just got back from his job and well we ran out" she says

"Oh um yeah come in let me get it" i said walking over to the fridge and handing Mrs. Carson the butter

"So um who's this?" she asks looking at Grayson

"Oh um this is Grayson Dolan he's babysitting the twins" i tell her with an annoyed face

"Oh well did they not trust you?" she asks as i hear gray laugh in the back

"Well you see I don't babysit I have much better things to do" i say raising my voice

"Oh well okay i guess bye thank you" she says walking fast

"Ugh" i said closing the door after her


Grayson has been laughing the entire time and I couldn't help but laugh along with him

I check my phone since it kept blowing up

"Hey look we have the same phone" he says

"Did you not notice when we were outside?" I asked

"Nope" he says popping the p


In the morning i woke up, brushed my teeth and took a shower

I get to my closet to get changed and wore a PINK sweatshirt, shorts and my Ugg slippers

I go downstairs and see Grayson and the twins eating eggs with bacon.

I look at them with a confused look

"Who made breakfast?" I ask

"Oh I did they were hungry so I decided to cook for them" Grayson says

"Oh okay i didn't know that you'd know how to cook" I say

"well um yeah my brother and I lived together so we learned how to cook" he says


Grayson and I are sitting in the table and we both heard the doorbell again

"That old rat knows to knock" I say rolling my eyes

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