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We have all finished eating so we are now all walking to the parking lot laughing at jacks horrible jokes after 40 minutes of just talking in the parking lot we all decided to leave as I am getting on my truck I see Aaron approaching me

"Hey Natalie" he says

"Hey Aaron why do nervous?" I asked stepping into my truck

"Well I know who you were in the phone with and I was wanting to ask something" he says

"Oh what is it" I asked

"Can I pick Grayson up with you?" He asked

"Yeah but check your phone constantly because I don't know when he will be let out either " I said

"thanks Natalie I can't wait to see Grayson again" he smiles

"No need to thank me bye love you" I said

"Bye love you too" he said walking over to his truck I close my door and drive to the Dolan's


I try to stay calm I really don't know why I was nervous though I knock 2 times and wait out there
The door flys open and I see Sean in the door way

"Hey Natalie" He say

"Hey Sean, uh I was wondering if like-" he cut me off

"I know what you need Natalie come inside and you know where the guest bedroom is so make yourself comfortable" Sean says moving to a side motioning me to enter the house

"Thank you so much" I say

"Where is everyone?" I ask

"Lisa is at the grocery store looking for what to make for dinner and Cameron is at college she should be getting here though" he says scratching his ear

"Oh okay well thanks" I say with a smile

"Oh I uh need to tell you guys something" I say scratching the back of my neck

"If it's important then we must wait for the family" he says looking concerned

"It really is" i say nervously

"Alright we'll make yourself at home I'll be in my office" Sean says with a smile

"Alright thanks you Sean I really appreciate it" i say

"No need to thank Natalie" Sean says and with that he disappears into the many halls. After sitting in the couch I see Lisa and Cameron arrive how will I break the news? They both enter with groceries in both their hands

"Hi Natalie what are you doing here?" Cameron asks with a smile

"Oh hey I was actually going to tell you guys something important but I wanted to break the news when everyone was here" i say scratching the back of my neck

"Oh hun well wait-" Lisa says placing the bags in the kitchens island

"Sean we're back!" Lisa yells for Sean to come we then hear footsteps coming towards us

"Oh Natalie wanted to tell us something important" he says

"Yes now come on let's all sit in the living room" Lisa says making her way to the living room we all follow behind her while Cameron locks the front door Cameron sits across from me while Lisa and Sean sit in the couch to my left

"Okay hun talk" Lisa calmly says

"Well earlier today I went to my moms to tell her about how I still love Grayson I mean yeah I love Ethan too but as a brother, Grayson is my first true love and I thought that I would've hurt Ethan telling him that I still love Grayson even after everything. After telling her everything Ethan popped out of the kitchen, he heard everything and he told me that it was okay if I still loved him and when we were leaving my parents house he got this attitude and didn't want to talk so I left and called the guys which are like our friends if they'd like to go eat and catch up and they said yes so I went and... Ethan was there, but during the dinner I got a call from an unknown number and it was Grayson saying that he would be getting out of jail tomorrow morning" I said the room went quiet

"Natalie-" Lisa was going to say but Cameron cut her off

"Mom last time Natalie went to visit him in jail when Ethan was at work and well she said that he told her that he still loved her and will continue loving her and that he regrets everything he did" she says

"Yeah and what hurts is that the more your love for that person increases the more it's hard to let go" I say in my head

"That's true it happened with Sean and I" Lisa says

Shit I said that out loud

"So Grayson is leaving tomorrow?" Sean asks

"Yes and Aaron and I are picking him up and we'll most likely come so you guys can talk it out then all of our friends and I will go have fun and celebrate and cam you're invited if you want to go" I say looking up to Cameron

"I'd love to go" she says with a smile kiss slightly cries into Sean's neck

"I'm finally going to see my baby" she says I walk over to her and give her a hug

"We're all going to see someone who has a large part in our heart" I whisper

"Natalie I love you sweetie I don't know how we all deserve you" she says

"You guys are like my second family" I say we all hug each other for about a minute straight and decide to let go

"Will you like to stay over?" Cameron asks

"Hm sure why not" I say with a laugh

"Well I'll start getting dinner ready Sean you can go back to your office and girls go have fun or something" she says with a smile

"I can't wait for Grayson he's always been my favorite" Cameron says we both end up laughing we make our way upstairs and go straight to her room

"Yo what happened with that guy that you brought to dinner?" I ask sitting in her bed

"Oh my god well we're still together and no joke he treats me like a princess I like him like a lot" she says

"Well good to know that the guy that you brought treats you well" I say which makes us both laugh

"Dinner is ready!" Lisa shouts for all of us to hear

"Let's go" Cameron says getting up from the bed I follow her to the dining room and there was Lisa placing the plates filled with food in front of us
She made lasagna and let me tell you Lisa's lasagna is the best lasagna you could ever have

"This is really good" Cameron says

"Your lasagna is the best lasagna I've ever had" I say

"Indeed" Sean says while cleaning his lips with a napkin

"Thank you guys" she says taking another bite


We're all in the living room watching the conjuring until we hear knocks on the door Sean gets up and opens the door and there stood Ethan he looked around and saw me with Cameron in the couch

"Natalie?" He asks confused

"Hello to you too" I say

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