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I was at a red light so I decided to answer the phone call

"Hello?" I asked pressing the screen to put the phone on speaker

"Hey Natalie! It's jack" he answers with such enthusiasm

"Jack dail? Oh my god I've missed you so much" I said

"I've missed you so much too Aaron called me and told me everything and we're all meeting up at red lobster" he said

"I'm by red lobster so I'll just do my makeup when I have found a empty parking space" I said driving into the parking lot

"You don't need makeup Natalie" he says

"I do jack now but thanks for making me feel a little better" I smile he sighs

"I'll be there in five I just need to make my way over there" he says

"Alright bye jack" I say


I put the truck in parked and I pull out my makeup bag from the back seat I take my makeup off with a makeup wipe god dammit I need to redo it not retouch I put a little bit of concealer then blended it out I put my powder and grab my eyelash curler I curl my eyelashes then apply mascara I then apply light pink lipstick onto my plump lips I hear bangs on my trucks window

"What the fuck?" I groaned causing the lipstick to make its way to my cheek I look and the guys there standing with smiles I'm going to tear up they haven't changed what the fuck am I saying they changed a lot holy shit Dolans who? Wait the dolans are another level they are daddy level I roll down the window and they start laughing

"dammit guys" I said looking over to the mirror and wiping the lipstick off of my cheek

"I've missed you too" Jake says

"Wait guys let me jus-" I say as I reapply the makeup there

"I'm done!" I said placing the makeup bag in the passenger seat without warning I push open my door and they all stumble back

"Woah chill" Cameron says causing us all to laugh

"Group hug?" I ask turning back to look at them

"Yeah!" they said with large smiles

Well all hugged at once and I smelled cologne but not just any cologne well I mean yeah they're all wearing cologne mixed of smells are coming but one catches me, Ethan's he's here? They all let go and i walk with Aaron to the restaurant as we are walking I pull Aaron to the side I didn't even want to look back I pull him from the group

"Who's here?" I asked

"Uh it's me, you, Cameron, Jack, Jake, Nate, Ethan, Alex, Kian and Jc" he says

"Ethan's here?" I asked confused

"yeah why?" He asks

"nothing" I say pushing past him and walking up to the door of the restaurant Cameron was going to open it but I rushed and pulled it so I can enter I'm so frustrated

"Hey you okay?" Jake asks landing his hand on my shoulder

"I'm okay" I say letting out a sigh

"Come" he says grabbing my hand and walking me to where the restrooms are

"What's wrong?" He asks

"Ethan has had this attitude and I tried to avoid him by having dinner with you all but looks like he's here" I said looking up he gives me a tight hug he puts his hand in my lower back and walks me to the group who was sitting at a table already there were only two seats left they were all talking that they didn't notice us walking to their table one seat was next to Ethan and the other one was exactly across from Ethan frick I sat across from him and saw him look at us two with his jaw clenched


We had just ordered and my phone started ringing unknown number the guys looked at me so I decided to get up and walk over to where they couldn't hear the conversation but where I was still visible

"Hello?" I asked

"Natalie! Baby guess what?" Grayson said with excitement i felt the tears in my eyes forming

"Grayson?" I asked my voice was barely audible

"So I went to court today and I'm getting out of this hell tomorrow" he said by that time the tears were streaming down I felt the guys looking at me but I could feel Ethan's stare

"Grayson, that's amazing!" I said

"Sorry" I say to an older couple who looked up at me they smiled but I focused to Grayson on the phone

"I've missed you don't worry babe I'll get you back but if I call please answer" he says

"Alright bye I love you" I said

"Love you too my angel" he hung up I couldn't believe it I had a huge smile on my face as I walk up to the table

"Hey Natalie who was it?" Kian asks

I couldn't even answer I was too happy I could still feel Ethan's eyes on me two men came with our food
Then start placing the plates in front of everyone as they leave everyone starts eating

"Natalie-" I cut Alex off

"you guys will find out tomorrow" I smiled

"alright" Nate says as we all start eating

I start eating my crab legs but couldn't continue since I felt Ethan staring at me

"Ethan can I talk to you?" I asked

He sits back in his seat and puts his head up making himself seem confident I stood up and walked over to the restrooms I turn around and immediately bump into Ethan's chest

"Why do you keep staring at me?" I asked

"Listen Natalie at this moment is not important I need to know what that call was about who was it? Wait it Grayson? Because I haven't heard you say i love you to someone other than your mom" he clenches his jaw

"Look Ethan no matter who it was it's none of your business we are nothing you all of a sudden have this attitude and then change immediately I don't like that you're bipolar" I said walking back to the table I continue eating and have fun Ethan isn't going to stop me from having fun I can't wait for tomorrow to feel Grayson's arms around me To hear him whisper things into my ear and make the cutest gestures see his beautiful smile his beautiful eyes his beautiful plump lips his beautiful jawline that can cut me in less than a half second his amazing hair that can pull any hairstyle off I just adore his facial features and his earring but most importantly his personality dammit Grayson why did you make me fall for you

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