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We get forty dollars in a care for the arcade and Ethan gets his own card Grayson and I are alone the throughout the night well the truth is we were too embarrassed to get near Ethan since all he would do is jump like a maniac he won

"How about we come over there" Grayson says as he pulls my hand not giving me a chance to say a single word

He takes me to the back of the arcade to where there is a little playground but no one is there except a family but the parents seem to careless to care what their kids are doing he pulls me to the back of the playground and pulls my waist towards his chest and starts to slightly leave hickeys on my neck

"Grayson not here-" I say as I get cut off

"Oh come on i want to" he whines with a pout

"Well you'll have to wait 'daddy' " I say with a wink teasing him

"Oh so you want to play that game" he says as he starts slithering his hands down to my ass

"Oh no" I say knowing that I want to fuck the living shit out of him

"So you want to leave?" He asks with a smirk

"Fuck this shit" I say as he winks and pulls my wrist to where Ethan is

"Hey we're leaving" Grayson says with a smirk

"Oh god" he say face palming himself

"Well I'll leave too since I'll have no ride" he says with a sad expression

"Oh and at my house" Grayson says turning to look at me

"Alrighty then" I say


Grayson parks his truck along the sidewalk and makes his way down to open the passenger door

"Thanks" I say as I hop out of the truck and make my way to the door Ethan opens the front door and turns to look at both of us, but Grayson ends up bumping onto me.

"Please I'll be right next door don't make any noises" he thinks about what he said for a moment

"Hahaha I'm funny of course you guys will be making noises but don't break the bed" he says the end of the sentence with in a serious tone.

"Whatever" I say as I pull Grayson's hand upstairs

"Let's do this" he says as he signals me to jump onto his torso

"Ahhh" i say as I wrap my arms around his neck

"I want to kiss those lips soooo baddd" he says causing me to laugh he laid me onto the bed and started grinding on me

"Oh stop teasing" i say

"Isn't that something you do all the time" he says with a smirk

"Oh come on"

He starts kissing me softly and lays next to me

"Wow" I say confused

"Fuck this" he says as he gets on top of me and starts kissing me harshly

"Oh my-" I didn't get to finish my sentence as I was cut by Grayson placing his finger on my mouth signaling me to stay quiet


"Shut up already I'm tired let me rest!" Ethan yells causing us to look at each other and turn to the wall

"Get a life" I scream

"I actually have one" he screams back

"You sure don't make it seem like you have one" i scream back with a smirk plastered across Grayson's face

"Ok that was enough" I say trying to get up but Grayson obviously pulling me back onto the bed

"Not right now" he says

We get up after 25 minutes as we are both fully dressed back onto our clothing we decide to walk downstairs to Ethan sitting on the couch eating takis with a movie playing which he's not paying attention to since he's just on his phone

"Took you long enough" Ethan says looking up to us two

"Shut up Ethan" I say making him laugh

"Hey can you drive me back home" I ask Grayson with a pout on his face

"Watch a movie with us" he says

"I need to go clean myself" I say

"Ok but I'm picking you up after" he says

"Grayson do I seriously have to be with you all the time" I ask

"Yes you do" he says


We get to my house and he gives me a peck on the cheek

"I'll call you" I say as open the door not thinking about Grayson who was about to open the drivers door

"Hey wait" he says as he leans onto his truck

Grayson's pov

I open the door to make my way to open hers as she gets off immediately and makes her way towards her home

"Hey wait" I say as I lean onto my truck she seemed annoyed I got onto my truck not calling her again and drove myself to the mall I parked in a parking space because all I want to do right now is to spoil her that's all I want


After shopping for hours I had a total of 6 bags just for her I bought a card from Calvin Klein with a total of 500$ I wrote a note on the little flappy thing that says the stores name as I started writing on it

Look baby I hope you forgive me for whatever I did I didn't mean to do whatever I did but damn I love you, I decided to spoil you a little bit, but remember when you actually get mad at me for something I know that I did I will spoil you like never before but once again I love you and I will take a bullet for you..

Hopefully that works because I can't loose her...

I go to the flower shop and buy her one hundred roses


I go to her house and see that her truck is there which means that she hasn't left I get off of the truck and place the flowers in the footsteps of the door and place all the bags surrounding the roses I look down to the roses and bags at look up to the door I ring the doorbell and run up to my truck and drive off...

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