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Natalie's pov

"Times up dolan!" The security yells

Grayson and I look at each other in the eyes one last time

"I promise you babygirl" he says

"Love you" I say giving him one last hug

"Love you too angel" he says

And with that they take him away and lead me to the entrance, Should I tell Ethan that I visited Grayson? Should I?
The decisions!


Im driving back home and all thats in my mind is Grayson I haven't see him in months his hair is a little bit longer, but its still cute the way his messy hair was all over the place


I go up to my bedroom and cry it brings back so many memories flashbacks

the time that my mom came into my room to tell me that the babysitter was coming over

the time we went swimming and we found out new things about each other

the time he introduced me to his brother, Ethan

the time he first asked me out

the time I invited him to a party and i basically got naked in front him his friends including him

the time i woke up with him grinding on me

the time i met his family

the time we spent christmas together

the time we got onto several fights

the time he would kiss me everyday

the first time he called me "angel"

Yeah and the hard thing is that i don't know if i should tell ethan or not i- i just want to die but i can't, or can i? i don't want the baby to die


I decide to get up and make food for Ethan since he'll be here soon but his twin brother was on my mind did he really mean it? I go downstairs and walk towards the kitchen I decide to do a little mexican dinner and make caldo de pollo which in english is chicken soup i start boiling the pot filled with water and i take out the chicken breasts from the freezer


The soup is done as well as the rice i hear the door open and peek out to see a frustrated Ethan god

"hey ethan" i say casually

"hey natalie" he says in a deep voice

"whats wrong?" i ask serving him a bowl with rice on top

"i have to go tomorrow to calvin klein for a photoshoot at 8am and it ends at 11:45 i have to be at the set of the tv show by 12pm and you know how crazy the traffic gets natalie!" he says letting out a groan

"Ethan calm down tomorrow you will get there in time plus when at the photoshoot try and make it fast so you won't get late to the set" i say turning back to give him the soup

"what did you make?" he asks peeking over

"caldo de pollo" i say

"wow natalie you're learning how to make foreign food" he says with a laugh

"fuck you ethan" i say

"hey its actually really good" he says surprised

"look Ethan if you don't enjoy it go and wash the bowl yourself" i say in a angry voice

"i mean it natalie!" he says

"ha" i say exiting the kitchen leaving him in the dining table alone

i walk towards the living room and get my keys i walk out the penthouse and go down the elevator i go to my truck and put the keys in the ignition if ethan knew that i tried then why would he make fun of the food? or did he really mean it? i can't stay with Ethan he's like a brother; he would never fill Grayson's spot i made my way to chick-fil-a, i ordered and made my way to the Dolan's home i got off and knocked on the door in less than ten seconds i see the door open

"Cameron" i yell

"natalie" she squeals and hugs me tight

she lets go and looks down to be belly

"ugh i can't wait to see them" she says in an excited tone she closes the door after me and walks me over to the couch

"whats up?" she asks

"well... i may or may not have visited grayson in prison while ethan was at work" i say looking down

"Natalie!" She says frustrated

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it I needed to see him" I say quietly

"After what he said about the twins, how they'll 'ruin' his career, how he made out with other girls while you two were dating, after everything?" She asks

"Look... he changed, he is not the same person when I visited him he opened up to me I was shocked with everything that he told me" I said looking down to my fingers

"Natalie" she says letting out a sigh

"Well I guess you can't help me out.. anyways I'm going to my family's home I'll be staying there" I say

"What? What happened with Ethan?" She asks

"I made food for him and he didn't appreciate it, i felt as if he was making fun of it" i whisper

"I need to talk to him; but tomorrow morning I'm picking you up and we will talk about it and I will let you know what Ethan and I talked about" she lets out

She walks me over to the door

"I'm here Natalie" she says giving me a hug

"... and I'll support you no matter what" she says

"Love you cam" I say

"Love you too"


Well thanks for the 6k follows I just saw that I have readers from all over the world WTF IM SHOOK

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