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Grayson and I are officially getting married in two months I already have my whole outfit for the wedding it's in my closet I just need the rest which is a lot haha Grayson was at the set of the movie I was home cooking for dinner while the twins were sleeping I was making chicken Alfredo since Grayson in the morning was talking about how much he was craving it So I decide to make it to make my one and only love happy Ashton and Delinah are coming tomorrow because I wanted to spend time with them since I haven't ever since I got pregnant I haven't told Grayson and I don't know if he'll go but I was wanting to because of his job, but I want to take Ashton and Delinah to Six Flags without my children but I decided to tell Grayson since the chicken was almost finished I grab my phone from the counter and went to my contacts and called Grayson

"Hey babe what's up?" He asks

"Are you busy at this moment?" I asked

"Not really" he said

"Well I'm sorry I'm telling you so late but I wanted to take Ashton and Delinah to Six Flags tomorrow since I haven't spent time with them ever since I got pregnant" I said

"Babe" he whined

"I'll go with you guys" he said calmly

"Wait but what about Daniel and Milo?" I asked looking over to the baby monitor

"I'll ask Ethan he's here" he said

"I love you" he said

"I love you too" I said

I heard babies crying

"Shit they woke up" I mumbled

"Babe I'll be back by 7" he said

"Ok bye love ya" I said

"Love you too angel"


I had the twins in their high chairs right by me the food was ready and Grayson was going to be home in about five minutes I grabbed two plates from the cabinets and also grabbed two cups of glass I poured sprite in Grayson and I's cups and placed them when I heard the front door open

"Baby I'm back" Grayson said entering the dining room I grabbed my arms around his neck and he started kissing my neck slowly and passionately

"I've missed you" he said in between kisses

"I've missed you too" I said he started kissing me roughly and I knew that if I didn't stop we would end up doing it

"Okay Grayson dinner is ready" I said pushing away

"But I wanted you to be my dinner" he whined I looked at him and then to the twins

"There are children here" I said

"They don't know yet babe" he said

"ThEy dOnT KNoW yET BabE" I mocked him

I filled two plates and set them down on the table I fed the twins right before Grayson came so they weren't hungry we sat down and started eating

"What did Ethan say?" I asked looking up from my food

"He said yes, he'll be here at 8 in the morning" he said I nodded and continued eating

"I'll be going with you guys, I haven't seen Ashton or Delinah either" he said drinking from his glass of sprite

"I'm going to miss Daniel and Milo" I pouted

"It'll be alright baby, Ethan and Judi will take care of them" he said I gave a fake smile and continued eating


The twins were asleep in their room and I was laying down next to Grayson in bed

"Grayson why'd you get back with me?" I asked

"Because I knew that I'll never find someone like you" Grayson said looking up at the ceiling

"I love you Grayson Bailey Dolan" I said

"I love you too Natalie Kalani Lizka" he said in return

"Grayson what do you think that we'd be doing if we have never met?" I asked

"I think that I would still do YouTube videos and hang out with my friends nothing more" Grayson said

"I think that I wouldn't have changed" I said he leans over to me and kisses my lips I kiss back and look into his eyes

"Let's get some rest we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow" I said

"Alright angel" He kissed my forehead and laid next to me he hugged me from behind and kissed my neck I relaxed myself and fell asleep


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