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I woke up in a queen sized bed with Grayson on my side I get up and throw my hair in a bun I felt disgusting I looked over at Grayson who looked so cute I just wanted to grab his face and kiss it but I didn't sadly I just gave him a peck on the cheek I looked around the room there were cameras and those lightning sticks that make the rooms look brighter when recording I go downstairs and find Kian and Jc playing with dildos again I look to the sides and see trash everywhere bottles, alcohol, cups, plates and streamers they turn around and face me

"Hey um do you guys have an extra toothbrush" I scratch the back of my neck

"No, but Ricky does he always has extra toothbrushes that son of a bitch" Kian laughs

"well I'll just go home then" I said

"He lives across from us though" Jc said

"Oh well can you guys text him and let him know that we will need two?" I asked

"Yeah don't worry" kian laughs


I knocked in the door and see Ricky Dillon

Omg the Ricky d-

Okay Natalie act cool

"Hey, you needed these?" He laughs handing me two toothbrushes

"Yeah" I laugh as well

"Um you need me to pay?" I asked

"Nah it's alright" he says

"Thanks" I said

"You're welcome don't worry" he said

"Hey can like I have a picture?" I asked

"Yeah sure" he laughs

I take my phone out and take pictures with him

"Thank you" I laughed

"Oh don't worry" he laughed with me

"Bye" I said

I enter the bedroom and see Grayson on his phone

"Here" I said placing his toothbrush on the desk

I saw a restroom and went inside it!I started to brush my teeth when I saw Grayson in the doorway

"I need to buy the gifts, but I need to go home first and shower" I said

"Anything for my princess" he said


"I need a shower" I say as I open my door to my house

"Let's go then" he says

"Uhh I think no" I said

Grayson is at his house getting ready after I got out of the shower I went to my closet and started changing into an outfit I wore a PINK Victoria's Secret long sleeve shirt, black leggings, and in my black Uggs I put my hair up in a messy bun, I didn't have any makeup on though.

I'm outside parked in Grayson's driveway waiting for him to get ready so we can leave I see the door open and there was Mrs. Dolan she walked over to my truck and stood outside

"Hi Natalie, how are you?" she says

"I'm great actually thank you I'm just here to pick Grayson up we're going Christmas shopping but how are you?" I asked

"Oh I'm great I'm going to be making a few snacks for Sean but I'll call Grayson I'll be back" she said before walking back to her house

She's so nice her family is so lucky; Lisa comes out with Ethan

"He'll be here" she says

"Okay thanks" I said

"Hey can I come?" Ethan asks with a smirk

"Oh yeah sure Ethan, why have one when you can have two" I give a forced smile he walks over to me and gives me a smile

"Stupid" I said

"Love you too" he said


I parked my truck in a parking space the twins were doing I don't know what inside my truck so I got off I was walking towards the sidewalk by the hall where I saw Jason, Jason my ex he saw me and walked over to me

"Oh hey Jason" I said causally

"Hey bup" he yawned

That was always his nickname for me he was high though he looked blazed he got closer to me and I was starting to get feel uncomfortable

"Get away Jason please" I said

"Come on let's go back to the good ol' days" he says with his eyes barely opened

He started making his hands towards my ass

"Ja-" I was cut off by him smashing his lips onto mine

The smell of drugs filled my nostrils I tried to push away but it was no use by the time I know it he's in the floor he was knocked out

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