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I couldn't believe it well I mean it is his home

"What are you doing here?" He asks making his way inside

"What I can't hang out with your family?" I asked

"Yeah I know but I didn't know that you'd come here" he says

"Well I did in fact what are you doing here? aren't you suppose to be at home relaxing since it's your free day" I say

"I- I came to hang out with my family" he says his whole family was just looking at us back and forth as we spoke

"Okay" I said


The movie ended and I could just feel Ethan stare why is he staring at me? Lisa got up and walked over to the kitchen Cameron and I exchanged looks she knew what I wanted she got up and I followed her towards the kitchen

"Hey mom" Cameron whispered to Lisa

"Why are you whispering?" She asks with a giggle

"Can Natalie and I stay at her house?" She asks

"Yeah sure!" She says with a smile

"Yes!" Cameron said

"Thanks Lisa" I said nervously

"It's alright I know why" she says

"alright bye ma" Cameron says

"Bye girls" she says we walk towards the living room and there sat Ethan on his phone he looked up and saw Cameron and I grab our things

"Where are you guys going?" He asked with a deep voice

"My place" I say before walking out the door I was in my truck already and saw Cameron walk out she gets in my truck and pure her seatbelt on

"He wanted to know why but I said that we had plans" she says

"Then?" I ask putting my seatbelt on

"I just left" she laughs I laugh with her and drive to my house

Cam and I spend most of our time talking, gossiping and stalking wait forget the last one anyways we were having fun until I remembered that tomorrow morning Aaron and I will be going to pick up Grayson


I check my phone


Ugh I get up and see Cameron in the extra bed in my bedroom (yes I have two) I wake her up and we walk towards my bathroom I pull out a new toothbrush and pass it to her

"Here" I say in my morning voice

"You want to go or?" I ask her

"Can I?" She asks

"Yeah but Aaron is coming with us" I say

"Oh yeah I know that's alright" she says she brushes her teeth then I brush mine

"Wait who's going in the shower first?" She asks

"You can go I'll choose my outfit then when you're out you can choose" I said

"Alright" she says


We're all freshly cleaned and we're looking around in my closet in my closet I have different sizes no joke I really don't know why it's most likely because my mom owns a designer store and gives me clothing for my friends to borrow

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