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We finished eating and we are walking back to the truck Ethan slaps my stomach

"Ow" I said

"Hickies?" He asked

I rolled my eyes I look at Grayson who is giving Ethan a death glare

"Cunt" Grayson mumbles



"bye" I said as Grayson opened my door and walked me over to my house

"I like you, like a lot" he says leaving kisses on my neck

"I like you too" I said

"Why were you looking at me when I was in tryouts?" I ask with a giggle

"how can I miss that moment? Look at the outcome though" Grayson said with a wide smile

We tightly hug until he lets go

"I'm picking you up tomorrow after school so I suggest a friend take you to school" Grayson said

"Alright" I said

I open my front door and step in

"bye princess" he says

He gently kisses my forehead and looks back to me

"You're amazing" he says looking into my eyes

He turns around and walks towards his truck


I woke up and walked over to the restroom to do my routine I change into skinny jeans, a dark green crop top with my Steve madden dark green shoes I straightened my hair and put it in a braid to the side I disconnected my phone and grabbed it. I got my bag and called Regina to come pick me up In less than 3 minutes I heard a honk outside I rushed downstairs and locked my front door I ran to Regina's car and got in the passenger seat

"Hey what's up?" She asks grinning

"Grayson is picking me up" I stopped myself realizing what I've just said

"You're dating the boy that was at your party?" She asked

"I'm no he was going to pick me up for a project" I said putting the seat belt on

"He doesn't go to our school" she says

I look around and look back at her who is giving me a smirk 

"You're dating him!" She exclaimed

I stayed quiet


"Here" she says handing me my vanilla bean

She drank out of her hot chocolate as she took her credit card from the employees hand

"It's hot outside" I said looking at her hot chocolate

"Worry about 'Grayson'" she says sending me a wink

I sighed and looked down

We got to school and walked to our lockers which were right next to each other

We're in history and I received a message I looked down to my phone

Grayson: Hey princess, hope you woke up with a smile on your face

I couldn't help but smile and look back up

"Natalie is there something more important than this class?" The teacher asked

"Yes" I said looking up to make myself look confident

I looked down and saw that Grayson was wanting to FaceTime I looked at Regina with no expression she quickly took my phone and accepted the call, well shit

"Natalie Lizka go the office now!" He yells

"It'll be a pleasure you dipshit" I laughed which made the others laugh

I stood up from my desk and looked at him

"Office now!" He said giving me a death glare

"Keep on giving me that death glare and you'll be the one leaving the school and making your way behind bars" I said

I gathered my stuff and took my phone away from Regina before completely exiting the room I told him one last thing

"Go fuck yourself" with that I walked towards the office

"Princess" Grayson warned

"Grayson" I mocked

I ended the call and sat in the offices chairs

"I just checked my phone for the time-" I was cut off by the principle

"I believe you, he's always getting after students" he says

"Look you won't be kicked out of the team but, you will be suspended from school for two days" he says

"Natalie you're one of our top students, behave please" he says opening the door for me to exit

"I will thank you" I said before walking to my locker

I call Grayson

"Pick me up" I said before hanging up

I put my books back in my locker and grabbed my bag


"What did you do?" He asked

"I just checked my phone and saw that you send me a message but I didn't do anything else then he calls on me and I told him off" I said putting my seat belt on

"Why?" He asked

"He had to be told by someone" I said looking down to the road

"School is important, it determines your future" he says gripping into my thigh

"Says the one that dropped out" I scoffed

"I'm doing online school" he exclaimed

"My ass" I said


We arrived at the mall

"What are we doing here?" I ask

"We're looking for Ethan he tried flirting and got rejected" he said

"Hey look he's there!" I said looking at Ethan who is hiding behind a bush

Grayson laughs and drives over to him Ethan saw that I was in the passenger seat and gave us a weird look he got on the back and looked at me

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"I for suspended for two days for talking back to the teacher" I said

"Two days with me then?" Grayson asked with a smirk

"Sure" I said

I looked down to my phone and clicked on Jace's story on snapchat I silently laughed Ethan and Grayson looked onto my screen and saw the way I talked back to the teacher

"Savage" Ethan said

"If I was still in high school you'd most likely be best friend" Ethan said

"You must be taught a lesson" Grayson clenched his jaw

Ethan and I exchange looks and look back to Grayson who has a smirk on his face

"Oh god" Ethan said

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