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Natalie's pov

"Exactly because I will kidnap it once you give birth to it"

It replays in my mind what does he mean tears start sliding down my face I turn to Ethan and see him looking down to the floor he turns and looks at me he walks out the door in an angry way

Ethan's pov

I turn to look at Natalie who is crying he hurt her I walk out angrily and look to the right then to the left and saw Grayson laughing looking down onto his phone

"What the fuck happened in there" I yell

"I told her the truth" he says still looking down

"So you're just going to kidnap it once she gives birth to the innocent child?!" I ask raising my voice

"Haha exactly the child is innocent the child doesn't know what type of mother it will have" Grayson laughs

"You're a cunt" I say pointing to his chest causing him to stumble onto the wall

"Listen Ethan why don't we just leave and get a drink?" He says laughing

"Drink?" I ask quietly

"We've never drank" I say looking at him

"You've never drank!" He says looking at me

"Since when have you been drinking?!" I ask

"2 weeks ago" he says casually

"It's funny how alcohol changed you" I say with a laugh

"It didn't change me" he says clenching his jaw

"It did Grayson" I say walking back to the room where Natalie is

"Hey Natalie" I say with a small smile

"Oh hey" she says

Her eyes are red she's been crying

"Can uh you call Cameron please" she asks

"Oh yeah I'll be back" I say giving her a kiss on the forehead I turn and walk out the door Grayson left

Grayson's pov

I pass by the lobby and all the guys turn to look at me I clench my jaw and walk out of the hospital

I turn my truck on and drive to the bar


I look around my 20's so I don't have a problem but I still carry around my fake I.D just in case I enter and see men drinking and basically naked women serving the drinks I sit on a chair that's by the counter and order my drink

"So what brings you here?" A girl asks she has jet black hair, bright green eyes her boobs look like melons and her butt looks like 2 piggy banks pushed against together fake is what I'm trying to say

"I need a break" I say with a deep voice

"Oooo sexy" she says gripping onto my thigh

"I'm talking about you" She whispers behind my ear

I really only liked it when Natalie talked dirty to me I never found it sexy when my previous girlfriends did it

"I'm not fucking dumb" I say loudly

"Ooooo feisty I want to see you in bed" she says biting her lips

"Don't try me" I say

"Oh daddy" she laughs

"Let's go" I say pulling her arm out of the bar I was full on drunk but still decided to drive. We got to my house and I parked right in front

"I'm so excited" she says pulling her shorts higher than they already are

I didn't open the door for her I wasn't a gentlemen towards her but again did I have it be?


We're upstairs in my room and I push her onto my bed

"Yeah!" she yelled luckily no one was here everyone is with Natalie

"Let's get physical" she says

She has a big mouth I get on top of her and aggressively kiss her I'm pulling onto her hair and biting her lips harshly I start pulling her shorts off fast swiftly her clothing is off I pound on her like I've never done It doesn't feel right though I'm drunk I don't even know her name

Ethan's pov

Her parents decided to stay with her for the night I'm driving home frustrated and see Grayson's truck parked on the driveway I walk in through the door and hear loud noises upstairs I sigh he's fucking another girl I walk upstairs and open the door to his room a girl with black hair is on top of him naked he probably found her in the bar I turn and look at Grayson he's drunk

"Ethan!" he yells angrily

"Wow so this is what you decided to do" I said

"Threesome!" she yelled damn she's annoying

"How about no?" I yelled at her

"Get the fuck out of the house!" I yelled at her she quickly gets off of Grayson and puts on her clothing quickly Grayson gives me a death glare she passes by me and kisses my lips

"Don't kiss me bitch" I said I walk her to the door and push her out

"Wait" she says I look at her roll my eyes

"What" I asked

"You guys want my number?" She smirked

"No" i said closing the door in her face

I locked the front door and turn to see a angry Grayson

"What the fuck was that about?" he asked

"Goodnight Grayson" I say pushing past him and walking up to my room

"I haven't even began Ethan" he yells from downstairs

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