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I woke up with Grayson's arms wrapped around me I pushed him off of me and looked over to him he's so cute w my cute baby I just want to squeeze the living shit out of him I got up and went over to the restroom I took a shower and brushed my teeth I went over to my closet and changed into an outfit obviously I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and did my makeup

I woke up with Grayson's arms wrapped around me I pushed him off of me and looked over to him he's so cute w my cute baby I just want to squeeze the living shit out of him I got up and went over to the restroom I took a shower and brushed my teeth...

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I exited the restroom and called my mom

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I exited the restroom and called my mom

"Natalie?" My mom asked

"Hey mom are Ashton and delinah ready?" I asked

"Well they're dressed they just need to do their hair and brush their teeth" my mom said

"Alright I'll be there in about thirty minutes I'm taking them out for breakfast" I said walking over to Grayson

"Alright Natalie thanks"

"Yeah don't worry mom bye love you"

"Bye love you too"

I hung up and set my phone down on the bed I looked at Grayson and popped my fingers and knuckles I tried to push Grayson off the bed but failed I tried again and he moved a little

"Babe if you want me to wake up just ask" Grayson laughed

"Shut up and get ready" I said crossing my arms

He got up and let out a giggle


"Well Ethan here" I said handing Daniel to Ethan

"Alright" he said holding him with one hand

"Ethan!" I yelled

"Okay okay okay" Ethan laughed holding him with two hands

"And here" I said handing Milo to Judi

"I love babies!" Judi squealed

"Wait can I like.. pet them?" Ethan asked

We all sighed and looked at him

"No" I said

"Aww" Ethan said

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