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Ashton's pov

"Are you ready?" I asked delinah

"Sure" she said looking over to me

We walked over to the living room to where they all stood laughing. I looked over to Grayson who was drinking coke scrolling through his phone we all went to the second living room and sat in the floor with the jenga blocks already set up I grabbed a mini box that was behind me with folded papers filled with dares, I smirked looking at Ivan who was staring at Delinah. I placed the box in front on me and looked around

"Randy" I said

Randy then looked at the blocks and chose one, he started pushing it towards his way and then pulled it out. He then placed it on top of the blocks and stuck his hand in the box where the papers were in, he pulled a paper and opened it he looked at it and his jaw dropped.

"I can't do this" he said crumbling it up again and throwing it

"What?" Jessica laughed

"I am not being thrown into the pool" he said

We all laughed and stood up. "I'll go get a towel and extra clothing from Ashton's" delinah said before stepping out of the room

Natalie's pov

"So how's it going with Grayson?" Regina asked

"It's going well we have um actually been thinking about having our wedding in a different country" I mumbled

"What?" She asked

"Yeah but we're paying for all of our family and friends plane ticket" I said

"Oh well that's nice and what do you want the theme to be?" Regina asked

"We were thinking about Beauty and the beast we will have the theme full on white and in the center of the tables we will have a single red rose to make it stand out" I said

"And like the whole place will be white only the roses  would stand out, then we will have an after party and  it'll be amazing-" I was cut off by Regina

"You really love him don't you?" She smirked

"He's the best thing that has ever happened to me he's the man of my dreams, we were just two kids being stupid and silly and now he achieved one of his top goals" I grinned

"One?" She asked

"He has actually thought about having his own production like where directors would want their movies I find it amazing and I know that it's going to happen no matter what I'll be right by him through thick and thin" I said handing Milo his bottle

"Struggle of being a mom" I laughed



I heard knocking in the front door. I quietly walked down the stairs and looked over to see Grayson standing in the door way. I walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge I was about to grab the container with blueberries when a large pair of arms hugged me from behind I turned around and saw his hot face. "I love you" he said

"I love you too buttface" I laughed

He twirled me around and we did weird silly dances when I finally laid my face into the crook of his neck. I placed the berries back and walked with Grayson to our bedroom.

"Let's fuck" he said taking his clothing off

"Grayson" I sighed

We stood in silence when I decided to talk

"Let's do it" I smirked

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