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I was in a hospital room and was alone I saw a nurse come in with a smile on her face

"Can you call Grayson to come?" I asked her

"Sure just sign these papers" she said handing me papers to sign attached to a clipboard

I saw Grayson come in with the lady I handed her the papers and looked at Grayson he had a huge smile on his face

"Ma'am we will be back with the doctor so you can give birth" she said before walking out of the room

"My princess this is it we're going to have our babies in our arms before you know it" he says with enthusiasm I love having to see a huge smile on his face I can't believe it I'm going to give birth to Grayson Dolan's kids we've chosen names

Daniel Chris Dolan
Milo (pronounced-MY-LOW) Sean Dolan

We named them after our fathers I really don't know why


"Push! He's almost out!" The doctor yelled I couldn't push anymore I had been holding Grayson hand the entire time I look up at him and see tears rolling down his face with happiness I try and push I hear babies crying I did it

"Baby you did it!" Grayson said with excitement the doctors looked at us both with the babies in our arms I held Milo in my arms and Grayson held Daniel

"Come in!" Grayson yelled for the entire family to enter

"Meet Milo Sean Dolan" I said with excitement Sean (Grayson's dad) teared up and took him from my arms and gave him a precise hug

"And meet Daniel Chris Dolan" Grayson said handing Daniel to my dad My dad held him really careful and snuggled with the baby

"I love the names" Lisa said with a huge grin

"Thank you" I said

"Yo I'm an uncle" Ethan said

"I'm an aunt" Cameron said

They both high-five each other wow surprisingly I mean Cameron hates Ethan I really didn't care at this moment about Ethan and mines argument I just wanted to enjoy the moment of all of us together


3 months later

Grayson has a modeling and acting career which I'm proud of we're all living in a large beautiful home and I'm grateful I'm grateful for my family and what we have at this moment I'm a model for Victoria's Secret it's been a dream of mine Grayson and I achieved our goals in life Ethan now has a girlfriend her name is Judi we talk all the time we're actually best friends we go shopping or go eat when the twins are at work


I was on the phone with Grayson

"Babe" he said

"What's up?" I ask

"Can you step out please?" He asked

"The kids" I said

"Please just step outside" he whines

"Ugh, you're lucky that they're asleep" I said getting up from the couch I end the call and walk to the door I open it and see all of my family and friends

"Uh what's going on?" I laughed

There was a large red silk curtain that was being held by two posts my dad gave me a look to walk up to the curtain I was so confused everyone was here except Grayson I walked up and the curtain swinger open there stood Grayson in a suit he got in one knee and looked up at me I heard awes and whistles

"Natalie you make me the happiest man alive, we've had our ups and downs, and you've always been there for me when no one else was, you didn't give up on me even after what I said; you didn't leave and just by looking at you I know that you won't, I love you so much I would love it if you'd accept this ring and make it official later on that you will be called 'Mrs.Dolan' " he said I teared up and nodded
Ge got up and grabbed my left hand he placed the ring in my ring finger and kissed me it was so passionate I heard cheering in the background but the only thing on my mind right now was Grayson he proposed to me

I love him

Always had, always will


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