Kisses and Hugs

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majorrrrr starco 💙 small mature themes and gigantic doses of adorable


I pulled up to her sidewalk, backed up and parked the motorcycle. She whimpered, as I had almost ran over the grass. "Hold on" I murmured, making sure everything was in place before taking off my helmet and placing it lopsidedly on the handle. Then I picked Star up off the bike and placed her down, grinning at her awkwardly and sticking my hands in my pockets. "I have a cheekache from smiling" Star giggled, taking off her jacket.

She glanced down, and then looked back up at me. "I had such a good time" she beamed. Gosh, she was pretty when she smiled. I tried to stay as cool and laid back as possible, although I wanted to be dancing my happy dance because I was with someone I had no idea I would ever, someone as much as I did right now.

"Well, I'm glad" I smirked. Star just shook her head and blushed. "And?" she raised an eyebrow. "And what?" I pretended to be innocent, nonchalant. " you're supposed to tell me how much fun you had" she poked me, shifting those feet again, making me chuckle. "A lot" I flashed a smile

There was a pause; a consummate, full of convenience and fortuity, in which I knew what I wanted to do but couldn't bring myself to, as the crickets made noises of encouragement, and I kept telling myself she wouldn't like it....

And then. She kissed me.


I kissed him, out of the blue, my first kiss, because I could tell he was dubious. I wrapped my arms around his neck, meshing my hands with his wavy dark brown hair and filling the atmosphere with what I had felt for Marco the entire time without knowing it; love.


When she touched me, it was like my body exploded with fireworks. Unable to resist her caress, my hands quickly came out from within my pockets and wrapped around her waist.


He then pulled me closer to him, and the kiss became more intimate. There was nothing more that I wanted in the world at this point than to feel him, all of him, and I felt the heat escalating between us, the desire, the hopefulness, the insecurity, the inexperience and the yearning. That's when I remembered how late it was, and that my parents usually stayed up late. What if they were watching all of this happen?

One of the neighbor's dogs started barking. Just as the kiss was deepening, I broke the connection and pulled away.


Why had she pulled away? I had kissed girls plenty of time. Had I been so nervous that I ruined it. I blushed. "I better go" she tugged a little on my biker jacket. I held her heart-shaped face in my hands. "Wait a minute, come on" I urged her, grinning, wanting to experience everything again, and maybe even go further. She bit her lip. God, didn't she know what that did to me.

"N-no...I-" but then she stopped herself, bit her lip and looked up at me.


I wanted to say something, what was on my mind, and I decided my parents could wait. In fact, I would just sneak back in, without telling them anything. With that off my shoulders, I bounded up and down. "I can't believe that in 2 weeks I'm going to be dancing on DanceTV!......I bet I get hit by a car" I sighed, killing my excitement with reality. "What?" Marco looked taken aback. I giggled. I guess that had sounded kind of aggressive. "Things are going too well. I mean, besides DTV I have a best friend. And I never dreamed in a million years that I would have a boyfriend" I touched my lips absentmindedly, remembering how Marco's own lips had been on them just seconds before.

"Who's this boyfriend?" Marco narrowed his eyes, but the hint of a smile on his mouth implied that he was just poking fun. Still, I felt embarrassed. "Oh God. I didn't mean I had a boyfriend. I-I..." but Marco interrupted me. "Well, if you talk to your boyfriend you're just going to have to tell him tough luck. Because you're going to be with me every night this week" he gazed straight into my turquoise eyes and I felt my heart lift. "So we're in this thing together, huh?" I smiled. "We sure are" he nodded, affirming what Kelly had kept on telling me. Marco was a good guy. Biting my lip again, I leaned in for a big hug, which turned into another kiss. Ignoring the bulldog's yapping, Marco kissed me back.

We made out for a few more minutes, before I determined that I should get back anyway. "Bye" I tugged back and smiled, hugging Marco one more time before I rushed back, the dog barking, Marco watching and me sneaking back into my room.


The bus was loading to depart and I still hadn't gotten to talk to Kelly all day. I was anxious now. I could not wait to tell her every detail. That's when I saw her, directly behind me, picking at her newly manicured nails. I tapped on the window and she looked up. "" I mouthed, knowing that she would recognize exactly who I was talking about. Immediately, her body language changed. She smiled, kissing her hands, mocking us. I blushed, nodding. She laughed and I grinned.

That's when Sister Laura came up to us and scolded Kelly, giving her detention, and as soon as she was gone, Kelly stuck up the middle finger and rolled her eyes. I just beamed again and sat back down in my seat, excited for tonight.


(Over the course of one week)

Star and Marco spent hours practicing each day. Unlike previous rehearsals, these were not only progressive, but romantic. Sometimes, they would spend entire half-hours just hugging or kissing, and they were so in love doing it. Their dance moves improved, their technique prospered. Marco helped Star embrace her sexiness and confidence. Star encouraged Marco to welcome emotions, feelings and long talks. Star showed Marco more gymnastics tricks and Marco demonstrated how to perform all of the current dances. Sweat and exhaustion variegated with laughs and love. The now official couple pushed themselves to the limit, polishing and perfecting everything they knew how to. Jamie watched behind the shadows jealously, as Star won Marco's heart, and vice versa. Star would sometimes visit Marco's public school when he was there late, and she would tease him mercilessly and as revenge, he would pop her gum.  The two spent lots of time outside, both just them, and with Marco's sister, Kylie, who came up with the ship name "Starco". While they goofed around, they would find themselves rehearsing on instinct. They jumped off of trees, complained about parents and Jamie's dad, found new ways to kiss, and joked around endlessly. With practice, Star aided Marco, and he was able to do faultless aerials and backflips and Marco assisted Star, so that she could do every Michael Jackson move in the book. Even their lifts excelled. And everything seemed perfect...................but then again, everything is not what it seems ;)


cliffhanger hahahahaha lol

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