Confrontations and Intimidation

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sad chapter but not sorry :/


(in case you were confused, after last chapter's no one's pov but 48 hours before the actual dance off)


I flicked on the light switch to my kitchen. I was soooo hungry. I trailed the granite finishing with my forefinger and sighed happily, thinking about how lucky I was to have Marco when I heard a booming voice. "Can't sleep?" the smooth sound of it startled me to death. "OH GOD!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, putting a hand to my heart. "D-daddy. Please, don't do that" I breathed heavily in relief and sat down at the table, where he raised an eyebrow and looked at me, as if trying to figure me out, the way all the girls had looked at me my first day of school.

Something was going on. But I couldn't decipher what. "By the way, why aren't you in your nightgown? It's after midnight" he narrowed those deep eyes of his, intimidating me just as much as he had when I was 7. I looked down and inwardly cursed myself. I was still wearing the clothes I had worn when I had been at the park with Marco and Kylie earlier today, including my makeup. I licked my lips and came up with a lie. "Well, I was dreaming that I was going to be late for school, so I woke up, and I got dressed...and then I looked at the clock" I bit my lip.

"Yeah, but you wear a uniform to school, and that's not a uniform" he mentioned my ensemble. "In my dream I went to public school" I lied again. My father just laughed to himself. "Um, Star, you know, your mother and I have been talking, and we thought that this weekend would be the perfect opportunity for us to fly out and see your grandmother" he rested his hand under his chin. THAT COULDN'T HAPPEN! DanceTV was this weekend. I had spent so much time on it, and to let Marco down? My sick grandmother would just have to wait. "NO!" I cried out. "No? I think it's just what the doctor ordered. Don't you want to see your grandmother?" father smirked. He knew something was up; that there was a reason I was acting a lot more distant. But he didn't know exactly, because when he did know something, he was incredibly direct and would've already grounded me for life. "Of course I do. But just...not this weekend. Um, but s-see, I have to study this weekend. Th-there's this really big Latin test on Monday, and I'm really behind" I licked my lips again, yet another giveaway that everything coming out of my filthy mouth was a filthy lie. "Since when do you take Latin?" father inquired. He knew me too well! Languages were not my strong suit. "Since last week which is why I'm way behind" I bit my lip. He was looking at me weird again. "Welp. Gotta blast" I flashed a huge, fake smile and ran back to my room, escaping the confrontation and flopping on my bed. That was too close.


I swung one leg over my motorcycle and revved the engine. Just as I zoomed out of the alleyway and into the street, an exorbitant car almost ran into me. I swerved just in time. "Are you crazy?" I hawked, my face red with worry and anger. I got up, right in the middle of the road. I waited as the door opened slowly and a head, a very bleached head popped up, followed with a pimpled face and a fancy suit. Jamie's dad. My dad's boss. My nightmare. Why him? Why him?

"I hope you weren't hurt" he grunted. I held in all the cuss words I wanted to shout at him. "Are you in a big hurry?" he questioned. "Yeah kind of" I retorted, even though it was a total lie. Rehearsal was over. "When I was about your age, I worked in a bottling factory. I own the factory now. Matter of fact, I own a lot of factories, including the one where your father works" he smirked. "I'm very happy for you" I snorted sarcastically, getting ready to leave where he laid a hand on my right arm. "Don't smart mouth me. You know, I bet you don't want to jeopardize your father's job any more than I want my dear Jamie to win that dance contest" he shrugged, as if he didn't really care about my dad losing his job and that he could fire him and hire somebody else no matter what I said. That made me mad. I clenched my jaw, as he wished me good luck and hurried away. In pure detestation, I slapped my motorcycle, almost breaking it and decided it was best I get home and think about everything at stake and what I would do tomorrow, the last night of rehearsal before the big dance off.


The sun was gradually setting as I strolled into the rehearsal hall studio designated for Star and I. When I walked in, she was stretching and when she noticed my presence, her face lit up and she gave me a big hug. I didn't deserve it.

"Hi" she pulled back a little, probably noticing my stiff body language, while I noticed how amazing she looked in all things she put on. "What's wrong?" she asked, still smiling. "Nothing's wrong. What's wrong with you?" I questioned, my hands still in my pockets. She bit her lip and looked down. "Nothing. I just thought since you were late..." she muttered. "Excuse me, I didn't realize we were punching a clock" I replied. "Well, we are! Come on, today is our last day-" she pulled on my jacket, but I gently pushed her away. "Not now, ok?" I growled. Still, she stayed patient. "Alright, it's no problem. Uh, let's get to work. Did you bring the tape?" Star rubbed my shoulder. Usually, I loved her ambitious nature, but now, it reminded me too much of my dad and I didn't want to think about my dad. I didn't even want to be here. I thought Star would distract me from my family woes but she was only making things worse. "No I forgot it" I sneered. "Come on, Marco, that's not funny" I could tell she was getting nervous now, and I didn't blame her. I was acting like a jerk. "Look, I'm telling you I forgot the tape, I think about things other than this stupid contest you know" I was yelling now. Still not cracking yet, Star clapped her hands together. "Alright so, no music. Um, let's go through the routine. Do you wanna warm up first?" she queried. "Would you stop acting like you're the star dancer and I'm just some chump you got paired with? Not everybody needs to warm up" I said. "Yes. They. Do" Star's smile was now a thin line of confusion and disappointment. "Oh, excuse me, I forgot you're also the authority on warming up" I frowned.

"Look, I don't know what's bugging you but I think we should talk about it. I'm not dancing with you until you calm down" Star crossed her arms. I moved closer to her. "What? Are you threatening me now? That's what you're doing right? Well, forget it. I'm sick of this whole thing anyway. You're so naïve, Star. You think we're going to win. We're not going to win! This contest is rigged. We're only in the crap to make it look fair" I spilled everything I had discovered last night. "So what? You're just going to quit? I mean, just like that?" tears were falling down her face now. My heart twisted up in knots. "Yeah it looks that way doesn't it" I murmured, looking her straight in the face. I couldn't watch her cry because of me any longer. I walked off. "Get out of here you make me sick" eight words uttered out of Star's mouth that made me want to fall on my knees and beg for forgiveness. But I didn't. Instead, I responded. "Thanks. One day, I hope I can return the compliment" I scowled, before exiting the building.


"when your heart hurts writing sad starco moments but it's necessary for the plot"

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