Chapter 1://

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Takato's P.O.V

"Mr. Katigawa, do you mind introducing yourself in front of the class?" The sensei asked as he stepped away from the black board.

"They all look so bland. " I thought as I studied the face of each one of my new classmates. "Yes." I sighed. "My name is Takato Katigawa, and.."

"Takato?! That sounds like Taco!!" a voice from the back of the room called out. Everyone giggled, except me. "Miss Hayashi.." the sensei rolled his eyes.

I followed the voice to a girl with pink pigtails and cat ears. Unlike everyone else, she was not bland and boring, in fact the exact opposite. I ruffled my brown hair back and pushed my red glasses back. There was an empty seat beside her, so I already knew where I would be sitting.

"Mr. Katigawa, please sit in the back, beside Miss Hayashi." The Sensei ordered, as he continued to write notes down on the black board.

I didn't know than that this was destiny, back then

I walked down the row of desks. A few cherry blossom fakes drifted through the window, and gently swept onto the girls desk, the one with pink ponytails and a sailor suit uniform.

I sat down and pulled out my text books, and quickly flipped to the page we were on.

Immediately the girl with pink pigtails took interest in me, with a smile, as she folded her hands on the desk.

"Hey." she giggled

"I don't want to talk write now." I said, brushing her off.

"Well, that's no fun... where do you come from?"

I sighed. "Somewhere. That is none of your business."

"Do you mind if I call you Taco-chan?"

"Not at all." I pushed my square, red glasses further up my nose.

"Okay good! I would have called you that anyway, Taco-chan!"

I studied the room carefully. The classroom was full, so their was no other place for me to sit. "This really sucks, am I seriously going to have to put up with this alien all year long? "

The class was a decent size, with 5 rows and 5 desks in each row. I realized that the girl had finally shut up and I could focus on my lesson again, so I did.

That was.... until...

"Hey, my name is Fukumi,.. and my pencil broke, can I have yours?"

I looked at her disgusted. "Maybe If I give to her, she'll shut up and never bother me again!" I thought, smiling with pride at my best idea of the day.

Fukumi quickly wrote down some notes, as the bell rang for everyone to leave.

"Don't forget to do your Monomial questions, and your Polynomial questions, there do tomorrow!"

I jerked up in my desk. "Monomial, and Polynomial questions? But-" "Is something wrong, Takato? You were paying attention to the lesson, weren't you?"

"Of course!" I panicked, as I awkwardly grabbed my books off the desk. Fukumi grabbed her things and gave me a smirk as she left the room.

"What a jerk, she was planning this whole thing up! She better not be in any of my other classes.."


"Fukumi is not in any of my other classes, thank goodness!" I cheered to myself as I tightened my scarf and swung my bag over my shoulder.

"Hey! Hey you!"

Suprised, I looked around for the source of the voice. A tough, muscular boy slammed me into a chain link fence, just as I spotted him.

"Jerk, what makes you think you can just flirt with Fukumi-chan, and do whatever you want?!?!" he shouted, while punching me several times in the shoulder.

"I'm not! If you mean that annoying pink-cat girl that sits beside me in math class! She is so annoying, why would anyone want her?"

"Exactly, why would you want her!" another boy chimed in. "Your not good enough for Fukumi-chan, nerd!"

I snatched the boy's fist, that was punching me. Now I had a good view of his face, and I could see that he had short, messy light brown hair, and gold eyes.

"Fukumi is a playgirl!" a third boy added. "She would probably make you cry if ever dated her, because your such a push over nerd!"

"Am not!" I angrily twisted his wrist.

He howled in pain, as I made my get away.

My feet pounded under the hard cement side walk. "A play-girl? Is that like a playboy that's a girl?"

I laughed to myself as I ran. "If I was interested, I'm definitely not now. What a bunch of losers, all of them."

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