Chapter 13://

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"I can't believe Kenji made out with her last night."

I kicked a rock on the side walk as the events from last night flooded back to me.

"Fukumi, your a quite the girl." Kenji said as he reached for her hand.

"I'm quite the girl? Nobody has ever said that too me before.."

"Oh well, that makes me the first!" the play-boy beamed as he leaned in for a kiss.

I had started to question wether Fukumi had actually meant what she said when she confessed. I shuddered at the thought of it being an act.

I trudged through the cold Monday morning snow and climbed the final set of stairs, before I entered the school building

"What if nothing that happened between us.... was real?"

Fukumi was indeed a play-girl, but she wouldn't fake her suicide... could she?

I walked into the classroom and dropped my textbooks on my desk. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kenji, impatiently standing by the door. As soon as Fukumi entered the room, he grabbed her hand and the two of them sat down.

Shortly after, the sensei entered the room, and the lesson began. I wasn't listening though. There was too many things to think about. I glanced at the clock over and over again, but the hands never seemed to move.


"Takato, there is something really important we need to discuss, if you could meet me in the soccer field after school, that would be great." -Ichiko

I put the pink note in my pocket and grabbed the rest of my things before heading out to the place Ichiko had told me too meet her.

The sun had finally melted the majority of the snow. Underneath it, were a few clumps of green grass amongst all the yelled ones.

I looked across the field. Near the other side stood Ichiko, facing the away from me and looking towards the sky. Instead of her normal short hair and beanie, she had her dark purple hair tied in a small ponytail with a red ribbon.

"Ichiko... there is something you wanted to talk to me about, right?"

Ichiko turned around. "Yeah.."

From the look on her face, I could tell that she was not happy.

"Okay, what is it?"

"I don't want us to date anymore."

"........what? Why?"

"I'm not stupid Takato! I know you've been cheating on me!"

I hesitated and looked at the grass. "I'm not."

"You think I'm so oblivious, and stupid, but I'm not! I know you kissed her... I know you love her! Infact, You don't even love me at all!" she yelled, as a few tears streamed down her cheeks.


The short girl slapped my cheek, hard. "Fukumi doesn't love you! She loves Kenji! She told me!"

My body throbbed with anger. "Shut up!" I yelled.

"Your such an Idiot Takato... I could never like such a heart breaker like you!"

And with that, Ichiko angrily walked off.

I felt angry inside, and I wanted to give her a piece of my mind, but I stayed quiet. All the insults I tried to scream back came out as tears and sobs.

I fell on my knees and continued to cry. I didn't even know why I was crying. Did I finally realize how hopeless I was at getting the play-girl.. or had I grown feelings for Ichiko.

I didn't know.. so without saying another word, I got off my knees and decided to walk home.


I still felt miserable inside. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, or who I even loved.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the front door.

I forced myself to get off my chair and go see who was knocking. I opened the door to find Fukumi, standing out in the cold.

"Hey Takato.. you look sad, are you okay?"

"Yeah, its nothing."

"She needs to choose." a voice echoed inside of my head. Everything inside of me began to throb with anger when I thought of all the times I saw the pink cat girl make out with other boys.

"Fukumi, there is something important I need to ask of you."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I know there is a valentines dance coming up shortly..." I paused for a second to think of what I was going to say.

"At that party, I want you to decide who your going to love, once and for all."

"Wh-what? That's crazy, you know I love you!"

"Actually, I don't. You make out with a different guy each night!"

Fukumi looked away in embarrassment. "You know if I do that than were both going to have a harder life, right? I mean.. bullying..."

"Just think about it, okay? I want only us to be together..."

The girl nodded. "Of course. I'll think about it."

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