Chapter 15://

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Ichiko's P.O.V

"I just can't tell Takato what the note says."

I rolled over and tried to get some sleep, but it was no use. I turned on my lamp and grabbed the crumpled note off my night side table and read it again for the 100th time. Their red string of fate was undeniable, as much as I didn't want to admit it.

"Why can't I sleep over this..." I moaned.

"Since there meant to be together, and Fukumi is a better choice for him... is it selfish that I want to keep the note?"

I moaned again and turned over in my bed.

"Fukumi is way prettier than me... Takato should have her. I will always love him though.."


I ran down the hallway, clutching the note in my hand. I dodged students in the hallway and ran into every classroom I knew of, trying to find Takato.

Finally,after an eternity of searching, I found him, alone in a classroom upstairs.

"Takato!..." I breathed a sigh of relief.

He turned around and snarled at me. "What do you want."

"I have something really, really important to give to you!"


"It's a note from Fukumi!" I said cheerfully as I handed the note to him.

"I don't want it." he mumbled.

A huge shadow fell over Takato's eyes.

"Nonsense!" I agrued. "She loves you! You need to read this! I'm begging you!"

"No! Fukumi is a stupid playgirl.. this is probably some plot of yours to get us back together!"

"No... please Takato! Listen to me!" I cried.

"I don't want to talk about Fukumi, and I don't want to hear from her either. I feel nothing when I think of her now...."

I took in a deep breath and walked out of the room. "Maybe I can have better luck with Fukumi... there's still hope.."


I finally found my friend, Fukumi, at break hanging out with some other friends.

"Fukumi! We need to talk, this is serious!"

The pink haired girl turned around. "Ichiko? What's the emergency?"

"Takato... you need to talk to him.."

"Takato? That looser? What a joke!" Fukumi laughed, along with the other people in the group.

"Please! I'm not kidding!"

"Ichiko, your really funny! A girl like me doesn't fall in love with a boy like him."


"Please.... Kenji is my sweetheart now ;) "

And with that Fukumi walked off laughing with her friends.

"Wow... I'm looser. I'm such a joke... I ruined everything."

I dragged my miserable soul home that night and cried on my pillow, after throwing the note in my trash bin. "I'm sorry Takato,.. Fukumi. I don't know what else to do.. I'm sorry...."

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