Chapter 4://

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"Kiss me Taco-kun. I know you love me." Fukumi taunted... than she paused. "I actually love you too, your very important to me."

Petals from the cherry blossom tree scattered around us as she pulled my head in. For some reason I felt..scared... but.. I didn't pull my head away.

"I love you too, Fukumi.." I found myself saying. Fukumi smiled and pulled my head in closer.

I woke up, but I still felt warm and mushy inside. "Fukumi..." I groaned. "I can't be in love with her,.. she's is so annoying. What a stupid dream."

I threw off the covers, and opened my window, witch faced over the canal, directly at the Hayashi's. The weather was overcast and depressing.

I got dressed and sauntered down the stairs, to see my mom reading the news paper, and drinking coffee while sitting bye the fire place.

"Good morning, Takato!"

"Morning.." I groaned.

"How did you sleep last night, did you dream of Fukumi? The girl that lives next door that flirts with you?..."

I rubbed my eyes and looked at her. "Mind reader."

"No." I lied. "Why would I dream of her, that would creepy, and.. I don't like her."

"Okay than." she said, sipping her coffee and returning to her newspaper.

There was no school today, it was a japanese holiday... so I didn't bother getting dressed. I went downstairs to watch some TV, or play video games, or something like that.. but I didn't get too because the doorbell rang.

"Fukumi!" my mom exclaimed. I felt scared,.. but I ignored the feeling and went upstairs again.

Fukumi did not look any different from yesterday, but, I couldn't help but.. blush.. and feel warm inside. I gently touched my cheeks, I could feel them heating up.

"Hey Takato, your girlfriend is here!"

I mentally slapped myself and walked upstairs. "No! Takato keep it together!" I yelled at myself.

Fukumi giggled. I could here her and my mom talking from upstairs. About five minutes later my mom closed the door and walked back to her newspaper, well she almost did.

"Takato, what are you doing?" she asked me, as she peered up the flight of stairs, to where I was, crouching at the top of the stairs, still in my pajamas. Yes, I guess I had been listening to their whole conversation.

"Takato, are feeling okay?"

I slapped myself. "No.. I mean yes!" I ran into my room and slammed the door. My cheeks were still red, at least they felt that way. "Am I.. in love.. with Fukumi Hayashi?"

I crawled to my window and looked out, towards Fukumi's house. "This can't be happening, no way could I ever like that beast!"

I fell over, and laid on the floor for a really long time. "No.. no, no, no, no, no! I can't, I just cannot be in love with Fukumi.."

I finally got dressed, did my hair somewhat, and went downstairs.

"Wow Takato, that took a really long time.. maybe your sick, should I call the doctor?"

"Its gonna take a miracle doctor to fix me right now."

"Yea mom, I'm fine, I just think I'll take a walk, is that okay?"

"Yes of course, but if you change your mind about being sick, I'm going to call the doctor."

I got my umbrella and stepped outside into the rain. "Something isn't right with me.." I told myself. "Why on earth would I be in love with Fukumi.. if anyone I should be liking Ichiko because she is the one that actually stood up for me... twice I think."

I walked down the street. The streets were empty, everyone was inside with their families.. but no, I was taking I walk, trying to talk some sense into myself about liking Fukumi-chan.

I walked deeper into the city. I did see a few people now and than, and few cars, but nobody else, until I came to the park.

I mentally face palmed myself and looked at the swing set again. "What is she doing?" I looked closer.

A girl with pink pigtails, that looked a lot like Fukumi-chan was... crying... on the swing set. I immediately got scared and turned back. "I guess I have to face it now.. I like Fukumi-chan... just a little bit."

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