Chapter 6://

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It was Sunday, and I decided to go to the public library to study for the test. It had been a while since I had dinner with the Hayashis', and what Mrs. Hayashi had told me about her daughter, Fukumi, had been bugging me.

"Fukumi, depressed? That cannot be.."

I cracked open a book that I thought would help me study for a history test, when a pink-haired girl came walking in.

"Seriously, Fukumi is here? I'm starting to think she's a stalker ):( ." I thought

"Hey Taco-chan! I didn't expect to see you here, are you reading up on Japan's history too, for the test?"

I nodded.

Fukumi did not have her hair in two, long, ponytails like she usually did. Instead, she was wearing a white top, blue overalls and her hair was tied back into a long braid, with white ribbon.

"Hey, Taco-chan." Fukumi bit her lip nervously. "Can I.. join you please?"

"Do what you want, I don't care."

"Yay! Thank you Taco-chan!" the pink-haired girl eagerly took a seat beside me.

I figured I would have to keep her quite some how or she would talk to me, so I pulled a old, dusty book out of my bag.

"Here, read this, it should help you for the test." I said as I slid the book over to her.

"Thanks!" Fukumi whispered as she cracked open the book.

We had ten, beautiful minutes of silence before Fukumi started poking me.

"Hey, Takato!" she bugged. "There is a little girl over there, and she looks lost, shouldn't we go help her?"

I shrugged. "Do what you want." I sighed, but it was too late, Fukumi took my arm and dragged me out of my seat, because unfortunately she did not believe in democracy.

---A few seconds later---

"My name is Fukumi, this is my boyfriend Takato!" Fukumi giggled, leaning over to the little girl.

I rolled my eyes and brushed her off, but I could still feel my cheeks heating up.

The little girl wiped a tear away from her cheek. "I-I lost my mommy." she sobbed.

"Awe." Fukumi said as she hugged her. "What is your name?"

"Emiko." The little girl whispered softly. Emiko had cute, blue short hair, and indigo colored eyes, and was wearing a cute lace top, with shorts and dusty brown shoes.

"Do you remember where you last saw your mom?"

Emiko nodded and pointed to a little kids table, where a few other children were coloring with pencil crayons. "I saw her 10 minutes ago."

Fukumi gave me a worried look. "Maybe we should take her to the police station.."

I agreed, and we both took one of Emiko's hands and took her to the police station, witch wasn't far at all from the library.

The sun was shining brightly, and Emiko's mood had lightened considerably. Other people were walking down the streets, carrying shopping bags, and wearing bright colors. A cold breeze drifted through the air.

"So, you two are dating, right? Does that mean you'll get married?"

Fukumi laughed, but I was struck by the thought of her in a wedding dress. I laughed too and shook the thought off.

We arrived at the police station and walked in, and were quickly greeted by an anixous purple-haired girl wearing a beanie.

"Emiko? I'm so sorry we lost you!" Ichiko said, sweeping her into a hug.

"Wait... Ichiko? What is she doing here... is she Emiko's mom?!?"

I felt disgusted by the thought of Ichiko being a young mother,.. still in high school.

"Thank you Takato-kun for finding my,. sister."

I gave a quick sigh of relief. "So... your not her mom than?" I ruffled my brown hair back.

"Of course not! Don't think I would do.. that.. yet would you?" Emiko shouted as she gave me a punch.

"Hehehe... of course not Ichiko.." I murmured as Fukumi rolled her eyes and dragged me away.

---In the way home---

I shifted my books onto my other shoulder. "I think I'm prepared for the test now! What about you?"

"To be honest, I wasn't really reading.." she smirked. I knew she was waiting for me to blush and get all embarrassed, so I said nothing.

"Anyway, What's up with thinking that Ichiko-chan had a daughter.."

"Hehe.. nothing." "

"Your so dark-minded Takato." 

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