Chapter 11://

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It had been a few weeks since I stopped Fukumi from ending her own life. Nothing had changed. I went back to dating Ichiko, and she made things right with her boyfriend Satashi.

Life was still pain.

"Aww, stupid pen, out of ink again?!?!" I whined.

Yes, I decided to keep a journal of my occurrences with Fukumi, the pink haired cat girl.

I ceiling fan was all I could hear in the background as events from a while ago flooded back to me. I was compelled to write every detail down, so I did.

I stood up from my desk and changed my clothing, into something I could wear after school.

Suddenly, I heard knocking on my front door.

"Great, its probably Fukumi wanting my cat nip again.."

I ran down the stairs and opened the door. Sure enough, it was Fukumi.

"Takato Kitagawa, I demand a date!"

I rolled my eyes. Typical Fukumi.

Fukumi stormed unhappily into the house. I shut the door behind her.

"Okay, why are you over here all of a sudden."

"This is better than a date with Satashi." the pink haired cat girl looked me straight in the eye. "He takes advantage of me Tako-chan."

I felt disgusted by whatever.... that meant..

"Fine.. okay... do you want to watch a movie?"

The girl looked around cautiously."Is your mom home?"

"No, she'll be here later. Now answer my question."

"Yea, sure, a movie is fine."

The two of us headed downstairs to the TV. "I can't believe this is happening..."

Thoughts of last time we watched a movie flooded back to me. Back then I didn't like her, and she was only a play-girl...but now we were serious... kind of...

Fukumi grabbed the remote from me. She giggled as she slipped a CD from her bag into the video player. The movie started to play and Fukumi started to giggle uncontrollably.

"A romance film.... probably.. she going to try kiss me."

--20 minutes later--

"Okay, okay, seriously.. she is just sitting there watching this movie like a normal girl!! She must be plotting to kiss me soon, right?"

I carefully studied the pink haired girl. "Maybe.. I should make the first move..."

My cheeks heated up over such a stupid thought. Kissing the pink haired cat girl?! No way...

Suddenly the lights flickered a few times, than all the light sources in the house went out and it was pitch black.

"Awww, that was the good part. I hate stupid black outs." Fukumi moaned.

"Heh... do you have your phone?"



Suddenly I felt two warm hands over mine and a soft pair of lips land on mine. She kissed me. The pink haired cat girl kissed me. -.-

"Hehehe.. what are you two doing?"

I jerked back from Fukumi and squinted at the bright light. "Mom?!? What are doing?" I exclaimed as Fukumi covered her face in embarrassment.

"Heh... I was making sure you two weren't have two much fun, but it seems I'm too late." my mom fangirled.

I could feel my cheeks burning harder than they had before in my life.

"Okay, anyway, I have a few candles that I can light upstairs, maybe you would like to join me, or not, whatever its fine."

With that my mom took her flashlight and went back upstairs. I turned to what I thought was Fukumi ( but I couldn't tell cuz it was pitch black )

"That was.... awkward." I stuttered.

"Yea,.. can I do it again, without being interrupted?"

"No, I'm going to kiss you this time."

I felt forward in the dark, and wrapped my arms around her... and we kissed again.


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