Chapter 3://

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"Did you hear me nerd?! Did you hear me, or are you deaf?! Stay. Away. From my girl!!!" Satashi yelled as he brought a fist of wrath down on my face.

"Aha.. If she's yours, why aren't you dating?" I managed to laugh, as he brought another one down on me.

"What goes on between me and the playgirl is none of your business.."

"Satashi!!! What did I say about this!!" Ichiko screamed as she ran out of the school.

Satashi rolled his eyes and turned to face her. "Screw off cousin, I have things to do!"

"No, you can't just beat up people cuz you feel like it!! Your such an idiot!! I'm gonna tell your mom!!"

"If you do that..." he paused. "What do you even care so much?"

Ichiko backed away from him, and turned bright red. "That is none of your business... Takato! Get out of here while you got the chance!!"

Satashi turned around to stop me... but I was long gone.


"Taco-chan! It's the last day of the school week.. I really hope we see each other.." she smiled, as she sat beside me at lunch time.

"Well stop wishing that, because.. were next door neighbors, and if you decide to visit again, than we probably will.."

"Your right!" she exclaimed as she shoved a loaf of bread in her mouth.

I mentally face palmed myself. "What am I doing? I'm falling for her... stop it Takato!! She's a ugly monster that keeps interfering with my life!"

Fukumi looked at me with a serious expression. "I hope we see eachother."

I gulped. "Fukumi.. stop flirting with me.." whispered as I blushed.

"Why.. is my beautiful pink hair and cat ears finally taking effect on you... taco-chan.." she smirked.

"No..." I replied in a squeaky whisper. Fukumi only giggled.. she had a cute laugh...


The sun was setting over the school, Fukumi was facing me with the smirk.. that probably never left her face. "I hope we see each other... senpai.."

"Ugh... stop feeling mushy Takato.. she isn't even cute... mostly... NO!! STOP !! I LITTERALLY JUST MET HER!! Come on Takato.. keep it together.."

"Hey, are you okay Taco-chan?"

"I'm totally fine!!" I awkwardly laughed.

"Okay, let's see each other on the weekend, okay?"

Without another a word she walked off, the sunset giving her face and hair a magical, warm, orangy-yellow glow.

"I'm going to see her, aren't I..."

---The next day---

"Don't forget about that cheese this time, got it Takato?" my mom reminded, shoving a long shopping list into my hands. "And if you see Fukumi-chan.. please tell her I said hi!!"

I rolled my eyes and stepped outside. It was a cool, crisp morning, and Fukumi Hayashi was nowhere to be seen! "This is going to be a great day, as long as I don't see the monster that lives next door."

I took several turns, crossed a few intersections, dodged a few cars, and made it too the grocery store, without seeing Fukumi! Yet.. I still felt like my luck was going to go bad.

I opened the door, walked inside and peered down at my shopping list.

1. Milk

2. Potatoes

3. Flour

4. Vanilla

5. Rice


I rolled my eyes. Typical mom.

I managed to find half of things I needed, in the store before I felt somebody poke my back. I didn't even have to look at her, I knew who it was.

"Hey Taco-kun, your shopping too? I just knew we would see each other, I'm so happy!"

I ruffled my hair and pushed my glasses back. "Fukumi-chan, did you plan this up?"

Fukumi looked weird, without her school uniform on. Instead she was wearing a cute, fluffy light pink shirt with a cat face on it, blue short shorts, a jean jacket and navy blue headphone around her neck. Her hair was still in ponytails though, tied with white ribbon.

"Takato, do you mind helping me with my shopping?" before I could answer, she grabbed my hand (barf) and dragged me through the store.

"Heyy, you know I have things to do right, don't you?" I groaned.

"Shopping?" she yanked the list out of my hand. "I'll do your shopping if you come with me."

I didn't even get the authority to say yes, or no. She dragged me everywhere, and I didn't resist because I was so fed up with my life.


"I'm really glad I got to see you today, senpai.." Fukumi smirked as she shifted her grocery backs in her hands.

I rolled my eyes. "I personally still think you planned it up." -.-

Fukumi laughed. "Well.. how about I drop off my groceries,.. do want to come?"

I did want to say no.. but something told me to shut up, and I felt a little sad at the thought of our fun being over... so I said yes. "Stupid mind."

The sun was setting now. Fukumi opened the door, and we both stepped in. Immediately I was greeted by the smell of warm rice, and the sight of Luxury furniture.

"Mom! Come see my friend!"

A tall woman with with brown hair came to greet me. "Ah, you must be Takato then. I had the pleasure of talking with your mother, such a beautiful woman." Fukumi beamed with happiness.

"Really? Wow thank you Mrs. Hayashi.., anyway, I should be going now.. I have chores to do."

"Okay than, too bad, I really would like to get to know you better, I heard you are really quite intelligent."

I nodded and opened the door. "Bye Taco-kun."

I closed the door and shivered. Fukumi was way, way too far into my personal space. What was she trying to do? "Does that girl like me?" I asked myself. Than I crossed the canal and went home. 

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