Chapter 7://

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I set my bag down on my seat, in the classroom. It was Wednesday, and I hadn't seen Fukumi-chan since Sunday, and I was starting become a little worried. I didn't dare ask Mrs. Hayashi though because it felt awkward when Fukumi wasn't there.

Everyone was talking in groups around the classroom, except for me and Fukumi... Fukumi not being present at all.

Five minutes passed and the Sensei entered the room and the pink haired cat girl had not come yet.

"Ten minutes into the lesson.. Why is Fukumi not here?"

I looked at the empty desk next to me and went over everything that had happened on Sunday to see if Fukumi had mentioned anything about not being here.. but I couldn't remember anything.

Feeling slightly disappointing, I flipped through my textbook. "She's not coming today either, I guess.."

---a while later---

I opened my eyes to see everyone everyone leaving the room. My head was rested, my chin was rested on my textbook.

"Huh? What happened?"

"You slept through the lesson." smirked one of my girl classmates. "Is Fukumi the only one that can keep you awake?... Your poor love-sick soul.." she teased as she shoved a jacket into her bag.

I brushed her away and grabbed my stuff before heading out.

"If she isn't coming, how am I supposed to get through my day... without anyone to stare and admire..."

I pushed my way through the crowds in the hallway, and took several turns, and climbed a few sets of stairs, trying to get to my next class.

The busy voices of other students had faded into the distance now, and I felt alone in the hallway near the top of the school... that is... I thought I was alone... until I heard a new set of voices.. a couple classrooms down.

A few cherry blossom petals drifted through the open windows. I continued to search for the source of the voices, while tightly clutching my bag.

The voices became louder and louder. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I came to a dark classroom with an open door. There was no doubt the voices were inside.

I pushed my red glasses back and looked inside.

All the desks were pushed back and the cold fall wind caused a few pink curtains to sway gently.

Fukumi had grabbed one of Satashi's hands, the other one she had used to grab is tie, and the two of them shared a beautiful kiss as sakura petals floated around them.

"So... Fukumi is here."

I pulled myself away.. it was only then that the true reality of what had happened sank in, so feeling hurt I walked away.

"What a play-girl!"

---ten minutes later---

"I am going home! Screw this!"

I angrily marched outside of the school. A few boys that had bullied me before were busy playing a game of soccer. I didn't think they would care that I was here.. until..


I didn't answer.

"NERD BOY!" one of the boys slammed into a chain link fence and started punching me.

I didn't really feel anything, it was probably because of Fukumi, and maybe I had hit so hard in love, and was ripped into so many pieces, I couldn't feel anything.

"Stop it." I whispered

"Hahaha, nice threat! Shut up or I'll punch you again..."

"Seriously... stop!" I found myself begging, but it was too late. One of the boys ripped my glasses off my face and threw it across the pavement.

"Stop it!" A second voice chimed in, coming from the school.

I forced my bruised body to turn around, to see who it was.

"I'm serious, stop it or I'll tell on you." Fukumi yelled.

The bullies snorted and walked away, to continue their game of soccer. Fukumi on the other hand ran down the steps to me.

"Are you okay?"

I ignored her and picked up my glasses.


Fukumi touched my arm gently, but I brushed it away.

"Please don't touch me.. I'm not in the mood."

I walked away, clutching my brief case in one hand, and my glasses in the other. Fukumi didn't try to stop me. Instead she stood on the final set of stairs, shadows covering her eyes. 

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