Chapter 2://

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"Unbelievable... I can't believe she lives across from us!" I groaned as I shoved a few folders into my school bag.

"Nonsense!" My mother smiled. "She is a very sweet girl, she even gave me some cookies, and, a...taco? Whatever, the point is.." my mom put a brown paper bag on the counter. "The point is you have zero friends.. she is a sweet girl... maybe she could even be your girlfreind!"

"Barf!" I shouted, peeking through the blinds of the living room.

"Okay, okay, just take what I said seriously! Now go to school, your going to be late if you don't leave now.."

I opened the door of the house and stepped outside. It was a beautiful morning, and a cold breeze gently brushed cherry blossom petals past my face. "Seriously, Fukumi Hayashi, my next door neighbour?!" I thought.

I turned to walk to school, when the annoying beast stepped out of her house. "Hey Taco-chan! Wait for me!" she called.

"I can't believe were neighbours!"

"Neither can I.. trust me." I moaned, swinging my school bag over my shoulder.

"Did you like the cookies I baked for your mom and you?" Fukumi asked, now caught up to me.

I noticed several of my other classmates laughing at me as they stepped outside. I hid my face in embarrassment. All the girls would probably think were in "love" and I would get beat up again for "flirting" with this ugly, monster girl, that was now my neighbor.

"Well, did you?"

"What? Oh yea, sure, they were good I guess." I lied.

"So how is your girl friend?"

"What?" I looked at her in surprised,.. and than I blushed as I remembered my crush at my old school, Rini, who had soft blonde curls and was a nerd like I. Sadly, we were just friends and I never got a chance to confess to her.

"Good.. I mean.. I don't have one." I stammered.

"Your lying Taco-chan! Your face is red, you have a girl friend!"

"No, I don't!" I argued, but it was no use, I figured she would argue with me all day long if I didn't fess up.

"My grandma said if a boy's face is red, they are lying.. you have a special somebody!"

"Fine, you got me!" I sighed.

"Aha, I knew you did." she laughed, but I could hear a note of disappointment in her voice. "She probably just fell for my good looks already, and its just day 2."


I sat down in Science class, my first class of the day, and looked around. The sensei was nowhere to be seen, so everyone kept talking.

"Thank goodness! Nobody to annoy me in this class!" I announced as I dropped my textbooks on my desk.

"Hey what's that, nerd-boy?!" a voice called out as a little ball of paper hit my head.

It was the bully from yesterday. "Hey, why were you walking to school with Fukumi, Takato?! I thought we already went over this.."

"Leave him alone, Satashi." a girl with short purple hair and grey and white beanie said, tapping him on the shoulder. "She is probably just flirting with him to make you jealous! The fact that your making such a big deal out of this, just shows what a little kid you are!"

Satashi rolled his eyes and faced the beanie girl, who was sitting behind him. "Ichiko, seriously, do you always have to be such a spoil sport?!"

"Takato doesn't like it! Bully!" The girl named Ichiko turned to face me. "Takato, do you like it?"

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