Chapter 18://

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Ichiko's P.O.V

A week of school passed since Takato's departure. School just hadn't been the same without him. I missed him very much, but not the most.

Since Takato had left, Fukumi had fallen into a state of depression. I felt really, really bad for her, so as a last hope to try and save Takato's and Fukumi's relationship, I was going to give Fukumi the bus tickets.

I hurried through the busy hallways of students during break. I couldn't find Fukumi, until I came into an upstairs classroom... probably where Takato and Fukumi had first met each other.

It was a cold Monday morning, and a few sakura petals drifted through the open window.

Fukumi sat in the back corner, with her head in hands, crying.

"Fukumi..." I started

The pink haired girl looked up at me. "Oh... it's just you..."

"I need to give you something, but only if you do me a favor."

She nodded. "Okay than, what is it?"

I held out the tickets Takato had given me. "These things here, are the only way your ever going to see Takato again. I can give them too you, but you need to go make things write with him."

Her eyes opened wide.

"Fukumi, I know you like him, its so obvious."

"Ichiko why are you giving these to me... you like him too don't you?"

"I do like him, but you two are tied together by the red string of fate... besides, I had my moment." I blushed.

"Thank you.. thank you so much!!"

"Save it." I said, handing her the crumpled note. "Your bus leaves in 2 hours, and your not ready to see him."


Takato's P.O.V

It had been a week since I left, and we had moved in. I had to admit life was nice, living in a small village with both my parents, and grandparents... but couldn't help but think of Fukumi. Did she miss me? Did she even notice I was gone?"

I continued to make my way through the crisp, fresh, air.. towards my new school. The cherry blossom trees were blooming now, and everything in the village was happy, except for me.


I paused and my eyes opened wide. "That isn't who I think it is, right? It can't be.."

I turned around to see Fukumi, smiling at me and wiping away her tears. She was wearing a light pink top with a cat face on it, shorts and a jean jacket.

"I choose you!" she said, holding out the crumpled note.

I ran to hug her as cherry blossom petals fell around us.

"I love you Taco-chan."

"I love you too."

I smiled to myself. "I won the play-girl."

Thank you for reading my story :3 If you liked it please give it a vote, and if you wanna see more stories like this, gimme a follow. ( It makes me happy )

P.S I felt soooo bad for Ichiko when I wrote this, I mean, she loved him but she didn't get to keep him.

Also I just have to say quickly, I am so in lovveee with the book cover, yet it has abosultly nothing to do with the story. <3 

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