Chapter 27

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Macy's P.O.V.

There was seemingly no doubt that Jonathan knew I was attracted to him now. Maybe he hadn't realized it was romantically, only physically. I would rather have him believe that than anything else.

Even with that acceptance, I could not contain the crushing embarrassment that continually plagued my thoughts as I stayed in my room for hours on end, laying down on my bed and staring up at the ceiling.

I left only for the occasional bathroom break and to sprint to the kitchen for a snack, but I refused to expose myself to an environment with Jonathan around. Though, there was a part of me that believed he had wanted the same thing.

My heart pounded as I remembered the way his usual sweet voice has faded deeply when he called me babe. The word fluttered around in my stomach and had found its way etched into my brain.

A knock at the door interrupted my foolish dreamings and I stared at it hesitantly.

"Macy, are you alright? You've been in there for a while," Jonathan said.

I wasn't sure if I should answer. A part of me hoped he would just walk away while another wanted to open the door, send the brightest smile his way, and pretend like nothing had every happened.

Neither of those outcomes had played out. Instead, Jonathan shook the door knob several times and the door opened itself. Because I was definitely not expecting him to come in, I quickly rolled off the bed and hid beneath it.

His footsteps were quiet, but loud enough for me to hear him walk towards the bed and sit down.

"I'm guessing you're not going to come out of there for a while. I just want to say that I might have gotten out of hand a while ago by holding you down. I'm willing to forget about it if you are."


I heard him laugh. "I promise. Now get out from under there. I think we both need a drink."

Hesitantly, I crawled out from beneath the bed and stood up, refusing myself to blush as my eyes landed on Jonathan. He left the room to change and I also took the time to get ready. I wore a white long sleeve, a navy green parka with a fur outlined hood , and jeans that paired nicely with my black combat boots. For the most part, I felt that it was suitable for whatever Jonathan had in mind.

Jonathan was waiting on the couch, his phone in hand, when I had walked downstairs.

"There's a bar downtown. They don't check ID's unless you order a drink so just stand beside me the entire time, okay?"

I hadn't known he meant an actual drink, but I silently nodded my head and followed him to the car. It took less than twenty minutes to drive there and during those twenty minutes, the only sound was the soft music that flooded the car.

The bar, when I had first seen it, was decent. It looked a bit worn down and I noticed that Luke's Bakery wasn't that far down the street. It was a mostly silent evening, but that opinion changed when we walked inside. For the most part, I had expected the majority to be middle aged men looking for a small drink after work. My assumptions were wrong as my eyes scanned the crowded bar. There were mostly young adults, around Jonathan's age. I instinctively stood closer to him, my arm latching around his with no words said.

He stared down at me and cracked the tiniest smile as he noticed.

"You're fine here, Macy. I know the manager, the bartender, and all the security guards. Go find a seat and I'll get some drinks. Are you okay with Coke?"

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