Chapter 1

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"Natasha, come on hurry up or I'll be late to meet Brett." Candy called to me from downstairs where she waits for me every morning. I huffed and rolled my eyes before continuing to tie my shoelaces.

"Tasha!" She shouted as I heard her footsteps gently stomp up the stairs. Even when she's impatient she's still lighter footed than a ballerina, I on the other hand can't stand on my own two feet properly sometimes.

"Calm down." I said as I finished my laces. "I'm coming now." I grabbed my bag and walked towards the door and walked downstairs with her.

"Brett wants to meet me this morning before school." She said as we walked out of my house.

"Who?" I asked.

"Brett... The guy I like?" She questioned as if I know who he is.

"I thought you liked Brandon?" I asked. She shook her head.

"Nope, I got rid of him last week, he wasn't with me enough. BORING!" She exclaimed in a massive gesture.

We walked our usual route to school and on the way, 'Brett' found us and began kissing Candy. I continued to walk and placed my earphones in my ears to drown out the cheesy flirting behind me. Her and her boyfriends usually make me want to throw up with some of the stuff they say to each other.

We rounded the corner to school and I walked to my locker on my own. I was putting my books away when "Hey Tasha!" Was shouted from right behind me, making me jump at least 5 centimetres off the ground.

"Jesus Wesley, don't do that." I said as I turned to face him with my hand over my chest where my wildly beating heart was kept.

"Gets you every time." He smiled a dazzling smile.

"Yes and it annoys me every time too." I said with a suppressed smile. He knows that I enjoy his company, I just don't care to admit that.

"We still going to the cinema tonight?" He asked as he put his arm around me and walked me down the hall to my class which he knows is French, every Monday morning I have French.

"Yeah as always, what are we watching?" I asked.

"Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them." He replied.

"Awesome, but do you think it will be better than Doctor Strange?" I asked.

"Yeah definitely, it's JK Rowling!" He exclaimed.

"But Benedict Cumberbatch..." I trailed off.

"Just because you have a crush on the main character, doesn't mean it was the best film in the world."

"I do not have a crush!" I playfully shouted. "He just happens to be my favourite male actor. Anyways, I think he looks better as Sherlock." I justified.

"Whatever floats your boat." He smiled. He may be a 'cool kid' but he's a softie for anything JK Rowling. I, on the other hand prefer DC or Marvel.

We made it to French and I walked in after saying a quick goodbye to Wesley.

I sat through an hour of French and an hour of English before break. That wasn't much fun either because it consisted of Candy kissing Brett and hardly speaking a word to me. At least with some of her previous boyfriends she actully spoke to me. I told her I was going to lesson but I doubt she even heard me.

Lunch was the same and she was sat with all of Brett's friends so I sat in the library.

At the end of the day, I walked home, messaging Wesley. We were still talking about Benedict Cumberbatch and my, what he calls, 'obsession'.

When I made it home I sank down into the sofa and watched TV before getting changed for tonight. I put on a crop top and black jeans and paired it with my Vans. Then I went to get a small snack before the cinema.

I did my make up quickly and grabbed my bag because I was almost late for the bus. I grabbed my jacket, my money and my phone and then almost ran to the bottom of my street to catch the half seven bus. The movie started at ten past eight so I'll get there at eight and still have time to get snacks.

When I got to the cinema I walked in and messaged Wesley. He was almost here so I brought my ticket, a coke and my popcorn before waiting for him to come in. At around five past eight, he rushed in and smiled at me as he ran towards me and pinched some of my popcorn. "Hey, get your own." I said as I turned away so he couldn't grab any more. He laughed a little before walking to get his ticket and snacks and then we made it into the movie just as the adverts were finishing.

We sat and watched and it was spectacular. One of the best movie this year, just under 'Me Before You' and 'Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates' and just above 'Doctor Strange' and 'Suicide Squad'.

When the movie was over, we walked to Nandos, which was our chosen restaurant for the day, and ordered our meals. When our food came, he sat and looked at me with a smile.

"What?" I asked as I frowned a little.

"Nothing." He replied before putting a chip in his mouth.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked.

"It's nothing." He said again and I could tell that I was never going to get it out of him so I left it.

A couple of minutes later, Candy walked in with Brett and just after they sat down, she spotted me and walked over.

"Hey guys, I didn't realise you were here tonight?" She said with a friendly but not friendly smile. She has a talent for making them.

"Yeah we go to the movies every Monday night, you know this." I replied.

"Oh yeah haha." She said but she wasn't laughing. She stood silently for a minute as if she was deciding whether to be nasty or nice. "Well..." she said after a couple of minutes, "you could have invited me."

"You have Brett." I said, almost like a question. "And you know that it's a thing that only me and Wesley do."

"Oh, sort of like a date?" She asked.

"No, I've been over this with you. Me and Wes are just mates. Aren't we Wesley." I smiled at him.

"Yep, just mates." He reassured her.

She nodded before saying "Oh well, toodles." And walked back to Brett.

"So, whose her new dude?" Westley asked.

"Brett. He's a pain in my backside. I mean all they do is kiss it's hardly a relationship." I replied.

"Oh he's one of them types then?"  

"Definitely. He cannot keep his hands to himself I can tell you that." Westley just laughed at me. "What's funny now?"

"You, you're funny when your mad." He replied with a smile as he leaned over the table and lightly punched my arm. I pouted in attempt to suppress my smile and it worked.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I replied.

He smiled and we ate in a comfortable silence.

When we had finished it was around eleven so Westleys mom picked us up and took me back to my house. I said goodbye to Wes and then went inside and got into the shower. After my quick shower, I got into my pyjamas and got into bed. I was watching YouTube videos when Candy messaged me. She was angry because Brett just called it off with her and I just told her that I'll talk to her tomorrow because I was tired which made her angry but I just left it.

I fell asleep almost instantly after my head hit the pillow.

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