Chapter 12

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*The next day - lunchtime*

Me and Wade were sat on our usual beanbag when Wesley and Candy walked over.

As soon as we saw them I felt Wade tense up and I placed my hand over his to calm him.

"Hey guys." Wade said a little too over friendly as he sat on one of the other large beanbags.

"Hey." I replied as I tried not to sound awkward.

Candy sat with Wes and she looked happy with life as she put an arm around his neck and lay her body against his. "How has your day been?" She asked me and Wade.

"Good thanks, just the usual lessons nothing major." Wade shrugged, sounding much calmer and natural than me. This boy should consider an acting career.

"Ah nice. Oh how was the film last night you two?" She asked.

"It was good, I had to take off quickly after though so we didnt go to dinner." I replied.

"Oh right, how come?"

"I had an emergency at the bar, needed major help it was super busy and my parents weren't feeling too good last night, some bad chinese the night before or something." Wade quickly replied for me. I turned to him and tried to hide my shocked expression. Did he just make that up on the spot?

He shrugged very subtly and I smiled at him.

"Oh right, fair enough." She shrugged, thankfully showing us that she didn't suspect that Wade was lying. Wesley on the other hand didnt look that happy.

"Can I talk to you outside please Tasha?" He asked me.

"Um no. Anything you want to say can be said here." I replied and he did a little angry sigh and became fidgety.



"Alright, calm down." He said as he held up one arm as the other was wrapped around Candy.

"Jheeze what's annoyed you this morning?" Candy laughed, completely clueless.

"Nothing, i'm fine, just a bit tired, I slept at Wade's last night and we stayed up watching a film." I shrugged. Everything I said wasn't untrue, we did watch a film and I am tired but I am also annoyed at Wesley. I'm beginning to wonder whether not telling  Candy is a good idea or not.

This is the first time she's been in a good relationship and it's him that's messing up. I hate lying to her but if I didn't, would she just go back to how she was before?

"What film?" She asked.

"Just Zootropolis. We fancied something light hearted and funny." I shrugged.

"Ahh nice." She smiled. "I'm just going to get a textbook that I need for geography and check it out of the library, be right back." She then said as she got up and kissed Wesley on the cheek before walking away.

"Tasha can I speak to you now please?" Wesley asked as soon as she was out of hearing distance.

"Wade knows Wesley." I said flatly.

"You told him?"

"Of course I told him. He's my boyfriend, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I kept something like that from him?" I asked putting emphasis on the words 'boyfriend' and 'girlfriend'.

"Should have known. Anyways, it was all a mistake. I shouldn't have said it and I like Candy, not you." He said as he looked directly at me expecting a reaction.

If he had done this before I met Wade and said the exact same things, my mouth would probably be wide open catching flies and there would be tears in my eyes before I even had the chance to run off. Not now though.

"Oh thank God!" I replied in relief as I stared at him with pure joy. "Now I don't have to lie to my bestfriend or pretend that you didn't say what you did." I added with a smile.

"Yeah and I don't have to give you a warning about MY girlfriend." Wade added from beside me. He sounded quite angry so I placed my hand over his and he relaxed a little.

"Whoa, sorry man, I don't know what came over me." Wesley replied as he put his hands up. "It was a stupid thing to say."

"Yeah it was. I was so confused." I added.

"Yeah sorry."

"Right, now that's out of the way, we can all be friends again but Wesley, I think we should lay off the cinema nights for a bit, at least the alone ones."


"Let's just miss a few weeks or take Wade and Candy with us so we're not properly alone together for a while, that will give you time to get your head straight." I explained.

"Okay sure. Whatever makes you feel better." He sighed in defeat as he sat back in the beanbag chair and closed his eyes.

Wade turned to me and smiled as he sent me a silent thumbs up and I leaned in closer to him as we went through another page in the science textbook just as Candy came back and sat with Wesley and all of a sudden it all felt normal again.

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