Chapter 2

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The next morning, I was doing my make up because I had woke up earlier than usual when Candy burst through the door.

"I cannot believe Brett." She almost shouted.

"Shhh there are people sleeping." I replied. She knows how much sleep my dad needs. He works nights and needs sleep during the day.

"Sorry but Brett broke it off with me because of 'mutual friends' and when I asked him who it is he replied with Hayden. I am not friends with Hayden I mean sure we were together about three weeks ago but I am not friends with him now!" She ranted.

"Well to be honest, Hayden is Brett's best friend so I'm guessing that's why. I mean what if I now went out with Brett?" I asked.

"I'd punch you." She replied instantly.

"Exactly. That's how Hayden feels with Brett."

She thought for a minute before her cheeks went red with rage. "That's not the point." She shouted in frustration. I shook my head and continued to put my mascara on.

"Anyway, how was your weekly date with the dreamy Westley?" She asked.

"It is not a date-"

"Oh so he's single then?" She asked as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"I doubt he would get with you, he has told me before that he wouldn't." I have no idea why I always defend him but it's just something inside me that makes me want to stop him and her getting together because I know she'd hurt him. Although, you don't know until you try.

"Ugh, I think you just tell me that because you like him." She replied with a huff as she lay back on my bed. "It's selfish really, to keep him all to yourself when your not even with him." She added.

It took me a minute to process everything she said before I reacted. "Hold up. I do NOT like Westley." I replied. "You know me and him just go way back." I replied.

"Yeah I know but I think you like him." She replied.

"Well I don't. He and me are just friends, that's it. Trust me." I replied as I finished my make up and tied my hair up, school rules.

I put it in a messy bun and turned to Candy. "Try with him if you want but I doubt it would work." I shrugged. Before she could say anything, I added "shall we go?" She nodded and we set off to school.

Candy got through the gates and went to tell her 'cool' friends about Brett as I went to my locker.

Westley came over to me just as I closed it and I turned to him. "Would you ever get with Candy?" I asked.

"What? Candy? Uhh I doubt it I mean she has a tendency to break hearts, and she is your best friend." He replied. "Why do you ask?"

I told him about the conversation me and Candy had this morning and he told me not to worry about it. I nodded and walked into science with Wesley in tow. Science is the only lesson that me and him have together but unfortunately, Candy sits right in between us.

"Hi Wesley!" She greeted him a little too enthusiastically.

"Hey Candy." He replied with a slight smile and then he glanced at me. "Did you do the homework?"

I opened my mouth to speak but someone else's voice came out instead. "I did it." Candy replied to him as she leaned in front of where I was looking at him so his attention was on her.

"I think we should start a streak." She added as she looked at him. He glanced over her shoulders at me but I tired to keep my attention away from them.

"Uhh..." He trailed off.

"Great!" she exclaimed. "I'll start it." She said as she took out her phone and sent him a selfie of her with the caption 'streak'. She put her phone away just as the teacher walked in.

The whole way through science, they were talking as though they were best friends and I suddenly regretted telling Candy anything about him. I don't know why it bothers me so much to see her with him but it does and if I told her she'd probably just tell me that I'm being rediculous so I didn't say anything. I know she's just attracted to his brown hair and green eyes combination but I didn't say anything because sometimes I like to think that she's changed and that she's going to stop messing around with lads but she never does.

I sat through science and the rest of the day before leaving school and walking home with Candy.

We got to mine after stopping at the shop to buy snacks and we watched a movie fom my growing movie collection. Every film I have watched and liked in the cinema over the past couple of years with Wesley I have brought and put in this collection.

We chose The Duff and we sat and watched it while also conversing about school and mostly Brett. He will be all that is on her mind for the rest of the day before she finds someone else. I just have to listen and give advice. Someties she tries to set me up with people but I say no most of the time.

The movie finished and Candy announced that she better be getting home. What she means is she has another lad to meet alrady and she needs to go and see him.

I said goodbye and then went to chose some food to order. My mum is working and my dads asleep so mum left some money on the side for me to buy food with. I ordered pizza from Papa John's and waited for it to arrive. Wesley sent me a silly picture of him and it made me laugh just as I opened the door to collect my food.

The delivery guy was standing with a smile on his face as I opened the door. He collected the money and left.

I got some tomato sauce from the kitchen and put half of the pizza on a plate. I left the other half for my brother when he gets home from college. When he did I was catching up on the flash and I just shouted "There's pizza in the fridge" before going back to my show. The next episode is tomorrow and I have another episode after this until i'm all caught up.

My brother came in and asked me what the film yesterday was like. I replied with "It was good." Before watching the tv again.

"How's Wesley?" He asked. I just paused the TV and turned to him

"Wesley is great thanks." I replied.

He nodded and looked at me. "You still haven't realised have you?"

"Realised what?" I asked.

"Nothing," He shook his head, "you'll get there soon." He added before walking out of the room. I decided to not let it affect me as I sat down and turned the tv back on.

A minute later I got a text.

'I think I like Wesley xx'

It was from Candy. I spent about ten minutes just looking down at the text before I replied.

'Omg really?!'

As I sent it, I started feeling like something was wrong but I couldn't place my finger on it. I mean, Wes wouldn't like her back, he told me that earlier. Well... Technically he didn't. He just said he 'doubt' he would. Is that a maybe?

I thought for a minute before I realised what was wrong. I was wrong.

I like Wesley. My bestfriend.

But so does Candy. What am I supposed to do?

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