Chapter 4

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At lunch I was in the library as per usual, hidden behind one of the bookshelves.

I got up to look at a different shelf for a new book and when I pulled a couple of the books off the shelf, a head appeared.

"Tasha." Wes said through the gap.



"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Candy?" I asked.

"Umm, no?" He replied. "I needed to come and see you."

I sort of snorted in disbelief and walked to the next shelf. He followed, obviously.

"What's your issue?" I asked him.

"Well maybe the fact that earlier you ran off with tears in your eyes." He said in a 'duh' tone of voice.

"So?" I shrugged.

"Well you were upset, clearly, and I want to know why." He replied.

"Well good for you." I obviously faked a smile so he knew it was fake and I walked off back to my seat. He followed, again.

"Whatever it is, you can tell me." He said as he sat in the seat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder as if it would pull the information out of me.

"No Wes, I can't. Not this. Just don't worry about it, we still on for the cinema?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Uhh I thought you had plans?" He replied.

"Um yeah I did but I cancelled them..." I trailed off. "So we going?" I asked.

"Yeah definitely." He replied happily. Luckily he has forgotten about his little mission that he apparently set himself and he has moved on. Thank the lord.

"Great, now if you'll excuse me I have to check out this book and go to class." I replied before walking off and finally being able to concentrate and breathe properly again.

Great, now I have to go to the cinema with them.



I made it to the cinema but tonight I was just wearing my grey sweatpants and a loose black crop top. I was wearing less make-up than usual and my hair was up in a messy bun. Absolutely zero effort has been put into my outfit. I couldn't be bothered tonight. I realized that when I go to the cinema with Wes I usually make myself look pretty and thanks to my recent discovery, I now know that the reason I make myself look good is to look attractive for Wes subconsciously trying to make him see me as more than a friend.

I am in the wrong frame of mind, which I know, but do I care? Nope because who have I got to impress? All of the lads in school are unavailable to me because they've all been out with Candy and I have a feeling that she'd be mad at me for trying to get with one of her ex's and since last week, Wesley is unavailable too.

At least I decided to put shoes on instead of my slippers I mean, I may be hopelessly doomed when it comes to relationships but I still have my self respect.

I wandered up to them and they both stared at me with their mouth slightly hanging open.

"Are you guys ready to go in?" I asked.

"Uhh yeah." Candy replied, snapping out of the confusion much quicker than Wes who was still a little dazed while we brought the tickets and walked into the screening room.

"Shoot. I think I dropped my card outside, can you come help me look for it Natasha?" Candy asked.

"Sure." I shrugged before getting up and walking out.

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